rfgini: Random Forest cumulative MeanDecreaseGini feature selection.
Implements a feature selection approach based on cumulative MeanDecreaseGini using Random Forests trained on multiple subsamples.
Random Forest cumulative MeanDecreaseGini feature selection.
Implements a feature selection approach based on cumulative MeanDecreaseGini using Random Forests trained on multiple subsamples.
Number of subsamples to use for voting scheme (default: 100)
Number of trees for random forest (selected using select_rf_numtrees)
Where the num_runs subsample files are found (e.g. if sample 10 is at 'subsamples/sample10.csv' then file_path should be 'subsamples/sample'). There must be enough samples to fulfill num_runs runs.
The function will output a data.frame with cumulative mean decrease in Gini for each feature in the first columns (each row is a feature) and the rest of the column containing mean decrease in Gini for each of the num_runs runs.