x <- data.frame(x=as.double(1:26), y=factor(letters), z=ordered(LETTERS), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
a <- as.ffdf(x)
ceiling(26 / (300 %/% sum(.rambytes[vmode(a)])))
chunk(a, BATCHBYTES=300)
ceiling(13 / (100 %/% sum(.rambytes[vmode(a)])))
chunk(a, from=1, to = 13, BATCHBYTES=100)
rm(a); gc()
message("dummy example for linear regression with biglm on ffdf")
message("NOTE that . in formula requires calculating terms manually
because . as a data-dependant term is not allowed in biglm")
form <- Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width + Species
lmfit <- lm(form, data=iris)
firis <- as.ffdf(iris)
for (i in chunk(firis, by=50)){
if (i[1]==1){
message("first chunk is: ", i[[1]],":",i[[2]])
biglmfit <- biglm(form, data=firis[i,,drop=FALSE])
message("next chunk is: ", i[[1]],":",i[[2]])
biglmfit <- update(biglmfit, firis[i,,drop=FALSE])
stopifnot(all.equal(coef(lmfit), coef(biglmfit)))
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