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ffbase (version 0.12.7)

ffbase-package: Basic statistical functions for ff


Basic statistical functions for ff vectors and ffdf data.frames. The aim of ffbase is to make working with ff vectors and ffdf data.frame a bit easier.


Basic operations

cut.ff cut a ff vector.
c.ff concatenate ff vectors.
unique unique for a ff vector and ffdf.
duplicated duplicated for a ff vector and ffdf.
ffmatch match for a 2 ff vectors.
ffdfmatch match for 2 ffdf objects.
%in% %in% operator for a ff vector and ffdf.
is.na.ff is.na for a ff vector.
+, -, *, /, ^, %%, %/% operators for arithmetic on ff vector.
==, !=, <, <=, >=, >, &, |, ! compare & logic operators for working with ff vectors.
abs, sign, sqrt, ceiling, floor, trunc, round, signif Math operators for working on ff vectors.
log, log10, log2, log1p, exp, expm1 Math operators for working on ff vectors.
acos, acosh, asin, asinh, atan, atanh Math operators for working on ff vectors.
cos, cosh, sin, sinh, tan, tanh Math operators for working on ff vectors.
gamma, lgamma, digamma, trigamma Math operators for working on ff vectors.


subset.ffdf subset a ffdf.
transform.ffdf create a new ffdf based on an existing ffdf
with.ffdf create a ff vector based on columns of an existing ffdf
within.ffdf create a ffdf data.frame based on columns of an existing ffdf
ffwhich create a ff integer vector based on a logical expression


hist.ff Calculate a histogram for ff vector.
quantile.ff Get quantiles for ff vector.
sum.ff sum for a ff vector.
mean.ff (trimmed) mean for a ff vector.
all.ff all for logical ff vector.
min.ff min for ff vector.
max.ff max for ff vector.
cumsum.ff cumsum for ff vector.
cumprod.ff cumprod for ff vector.
range.ff range for ff vector.
table table for ff vectors.
tabulate.ff tabulate for ff vectors.
ffdfdply Split, group and aggregate for ffdf operations.


ffordered Add a sorted index to a ff vector.
save.ffdf Save a ffdf in a directory with its containing ff columns.
load.ffdf Loads a ffdf from a directory
pack.ffdf Packs ffdf data.frames into a zip or tar file
unpack.ffdf Unpacksdata.frames from a zip or tar file
ffappend Append data to a ff vector.
ffdfappend Append data to a ffdf.
merge.ffdf Merge two ffdf objects.
ffmatch match two ff vectors
ffdfmatch match two ffdf data.frames
laf_to_ffdf Import csv and fixed width files through package LaF.


Run this code
ffdat <- as.ffdf(data.frame(x=1:10, y=10:1))

# add a new ff vector z to the ffdf data.frame
within(ffdat, {z <- x+y})[]

# add a new ff vector z to the ffdf data.frame using transform
transform(ffdat, z=x+y)[]

cut(ffdat$x, breaks=3)[]

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab