Convert orthus covariance matricies between representations
oilrvar2ilrvar(Sigma, s, V1, V2)oilrvar2clrvar(Sigma, s, V)
oclrvar2ilrvar(Sigma, s, V)
oalrvar2clrvar(Sigma, s, d1)
oclrvar2alrvar(Sigma, s, d2)
oalrvar2alrvar(Sigma, s, d1, d2)
oalrvar2ilrvar(Sigma, s, d1, V2)
oilrvar2alrvar(Sigma, s, V1, d2)
covariance matrix arrat in specified transformed space (dim(Sigma)[3]=iter)
first s rows and colums of Sigma are transformed
ILR contrast matrix of basis Sigma is already in
ILR contrast matrix of basis Sigma is desired in
ILR contrast matrix (i.e., transformation matrix of ILR)
alr reference element Sigma is already expressed with respec to
alr reference element Sigma is to be expressed with respect to