Functions providing access to the Log Likelihood, Gradient, and Hessian
of the collapsed maltipoo model. Note: These are convenience functions
but are not as optimized as direct coding of the MaltipooCollapsed
C++ class due to a lack of Memoization. By contrast function optimMaltipooCollapsed
is much more optimized and massively cuts down on repeated calculations.
A more efficient Rcpp module based implementation of these functions
may following if the future. For model details see optimMaltipooCollapsed
loglikMaltipooCollapsed(Y, upsilon, Theta, X, KInv, U, eta, ell, sylv = FALSE)gradMaltipooCollapsed(Y, upsilon, Theta, X, KInv, U, eta, ell, sylv = FALSE)
hessMaltipooCollapsed(Y, upsilon, Theta, X, KInv, U, eta, ell, sylv = FALSE)
see below
loglikMaltipooCollapsed - double
gradMaltipooCollapsed - vector
hessMaltipooCollapsed- matrix
D x N matrix of counts
(must be > D)
D-1 x Q matrix the prior mean for regression coefficients
Q x N matrix of covariates
D-1 x D-1 symmetric positive-definite matrix
a PQxQ matrix of stacked variance components
matrix (D-1)xN of parameter values at which to calculate quantities
P-vector of scale factors for each variance component (aka VCScale)
(default:false) if true and if N < D-1 will use sylvester determinant identity to speed computation