dt<- seq( 0,1.5,, 200)
y<- Wendland( dt, k=2, dimension=2)
plot( dt, y, type="l")
# should agree with
y.test<- Wendland2.2( dt)
points( dt, y.test)
# second derivative
plot( dt, Wendland( dt, k=4, dimension=2, derivative=2), type="l")
# a radial basis function using the Wendland the "knot" is at (.25,.25)
gl<- list( x= seq( -1,1,,60), y = seq( -1,1,,60) )
bigD<- rdist( make.surface.grid( gl), matrix( c(.25,.25), nrow=1))
RBF<- matrix(Wendland( bigD, k=2, dimension=2), 60,60)
# perspective with some useful settings for shading.
persp( gl$x, gl$y, RBF, theta =30, phi=20, shade=.3, border=NA, col="grey90")
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