These data are a small subset of the demographic data compiled by the World Bank. The data has been restricted to 1999 and to countries with a population larger than 1 million. Also, only countries reporting all the covariables are included.
This a 75X5 matrix with the row names identifying countries and
columns the covariables:
"GDP.cap" "Pop.mid" "Pop.urb" "CO2.cap" "Pop"
GDP.cap: Gross domestic product (in US dollars) per capita.
Pop.mid: percentage of the population within the ages of 15 through 65.
Pop.urb: Precentage of the population living in an urban environment
CO2.cap: Equivalent CO2 emmissions per capita
Pop: Population
Romero-Lankao, P., J. L. Tribbia and D. Nychka (2008) Development and greenhouse gas emissions deviate from the modernization theory and convergence hypothesis. Cli- mate Research 38, 17-29.
Listed below are scripts to create this data set from spread sheet on the World Bank CDs:
## read in comma delimited spread sheet
read.csv("climatedemo.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)->hold
## convert numbers to matrix of data
Ddata<- as.matrix( hold[,5:51] )
Ddata[Ddata==".."] <- NA
## still in character form parse as numeric
Ddata<- matrix( as.numeric( Ddata), nrow=1248, ncol=ncol( Ddata),
dimnames=list( NULL, format( 1960:2006) ))
## these are the factors indicating the different variables
### unique( Fac) gives the names of factors
Fac<- as.character( hold[,1])
years<- 1960:2006
# create separate tables of data for each factor
temp<- unique( Fac)
## also subset Country id and name<- as.character( hold[Fac== temp[1],3])
Country<- as.character( hold[Fac== temp[1],4])
Pop<- Ddata[ Fac== temp[2],]
CO2<- Ddata[ Fac== temp[1],]
Pop.mid<- Ddata[ Fac== temp[3],]
GDP.cap<- Ddata[ Fac== temp[4],]
Pop.urb<- Ddata[ Fac== temp[5],]
CO2.cap<- CO2/Pop
dimnames( Pop)<- list(,format(years))
dimnames( CO2)<- list(,format(years))
dimnames( Pop.mid)<- list(,format(years))
dimnames( Pop.urb)<- list(,format(years))
dimnames( CO2.cap)<- list(,format(years))
# delete temp data sets
rm( temp)
rm( hold)
rm( Fac)
# define year to do clustering.
yr<- "1999"
# variables for clustering combined as columns in a matrix
temp<-cbind( GDP.cap[,yr], Pop.mid[,yr], Pop.urb[,yr],CO2[,yr],Pop[,yr])
# add column names and figure how many good data rows there are.
dimnames( temp)<-list( Country, c("GDP.cap","Pop.mid","Pop.urb",
"CO2.cap", "Pop"))
good<- good & Pop[,yr] > 10e6
# subset with only the complete data rows
WorldBankCO2<- temp[good,]
save(WorldBankCO2, file="WorldBankCO2.rda")
plot( WorldBankCO2[,"GDP.cap"], WorldBankCO2[,"CO2.cap"], log="xy")
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab