A matrix whose columns have between transformed.
This matrix also has the attributes: scale.type, x.center and y.center
with the transformation information.
Matrix with columns to be transformed.
Type of transformation the default is "unit.sd": subtract the mean and
divide by the standard deviation.
Other choices are "unscaled" (do nothing), "range" (transform to
[0,1]),"user" (subtract a supplied location and divide by a scale).
A vector of centering values to subtract from each column.
A vector of scaling values to subtract from each column.
After deciding what the centering and scaling values should be for each
column of x, this function just calls the standard utility scale.
This function was created partly to attach the transformation information
as attributes to the transformed matrix. It is used in Krig, cover.design,
krig.image etc. to transform the independent variables.