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fields (version 16.3)

glacier: Franke's Glacier Elevation Data


A moderate size (about 8400 locations) spatial dataset that is well-known in the applied mathematics approximation literature for testing interpolation methods.





The format of glacier is a list with two components:


8338x2 matrix of the locations (meters??).


A vector of elevations (meters ??).


This data set appears in papers that develop interpolation methods for scattered data and serves as an interesting bridge to the examples in applied math that develop radial basis function surface fitting. The data was originally used by R. Franke.

Unfortunately at this time we can not find any background on where these data were collected or indeed even the location of this glacier. However, it is an interesting data set in that it appears that the elevations are reported along lnes of equal elevation, i.e. contours, perhaps from a digitization of a topographic map or survey. It is important to estimate the surface in a way that the artifacts from discretization are not present. In the example below the compactly supported kernel interpolation still has some artifacts.

The glacier data set is available at this website https://oleg-davydov.de/scat_data.html

The examples below are useful for comparing different approximations to a Gaussian spatial process estimate for the elevation surface. Of course in using a stationary covariance ( e.g. the Matern or Wendland) these are also radial basis smoothing or interpolation of the data.


Run this code
data( glacier )
# EDA for raw obs:

bubblePlot( glacier$loc, glacier$y, highlight=FALSE, size=.5)

# identifying contour levels. Note this is reported at regular levels
# (Every 25m ???)

table( glacier$y)

# find sigma and rho by maximum likelihood 
# for a fixed range
#  the default is the Wendland covariance with k=2
# See help(Wendland)

# this takes about 5 minutes
# macbook pro Quad-Core Intel Core i5 8 GB

# obj0<- fastTps(glacier$loc, glacier$y, 
#                       theta=2,
#                      profileLambda=TRUE) 

# set.panel(2,2)
# plot( obj0)
# set.panel()

# just evaluate at MLE
# reset default matrix size that the spam pacakge will use.

if (FALSE) {

system.time( obj1<- 
               fastTps(glacier$loc, glacier$y, 
                       lambda= 7.58e-5

look1<- predictSurface( obj1, nx=150, ny=150)

imagePlot( look1)

out<- simLocal.spatialProcess(obj1, M=3, nx=150, ny=150)
set.panel( 2,2)
imagePlot( look1)
zlim<- range( out$z, na.rm=TRUE)
for( k in 1:3){
imagePlot(out$x, out$y, out$z[,,k], zlim=zlim)

# near interpolation surface using Matern smoothness .5 
 obj2<- spatialProcess(glacier$loc, glacier$y,
                          aRange = 1.5, 
                          lambda = 1e-5,
                          smoothness = .5)
out<- simLocal.spatialProcess(obj2, M=3, nx=150, ny=150,

set.panel( 2,2)
imagePlot( look1)
zlim<- range( out$z, na.rm=TRUE)
for( k in 1:3){
imagePlot(out$x, out$y, out$z[,,k], zlim=zlim)

look2<- predictSurface.mKrig( obj2, nx=150, ny=150,
                fast=TRUE, NNSize=5)

look2B<- predictSurface( obj2, nx=150, ny=150,

err<- c((look2$z - look2B$z)/look2B$z)
stats( log10( abs(err) ) )

# some error plots ( percent relative error)
imagePlot(look2$x, look2$y, 100*(look2$z - look2B$z)/look2B$z  )

imagePlot(look2$x, look2$y, 100*(look1$z - look2B$z)/look2B$z  )


Run the code above in your browser using DataLab