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fields (version 16.3)

stats.bin: Bins data and finds some summary statistics.


Cuts up a numeric vector based on binning by a covariate and applies the fields stats function to each group


stats.bin(x, y, N = 10, breaks = NULL,prettyBins=FALSE)


A list with several components. stats is a matrix with columns indexing the bins and rows being summary statistics found by the stats function. These are: number of obs, mean, sd, min, quartiles, max and number of NA's. (If there is no data for a given bin, NA's are filled in. ) breaks are the breaks passed to the function and centers are the bin centers.



Values to use to decide bin membership


A vector of data


Number of bins. If the breaks is missing there are N bins equally spaced on the range of x.


The bin boundaries. If there are N+1 of these there will be N bins. The bin widths can be unequal.


If FALSE creates exactly N-1 bins. If TRUE the number of bins is determined by N and the pretty function.

See Also

bplot, stats


Run this code
u<- rnorm( 2000)
v<- rnorm( 2000)
x<- u
y<- .7*u + sqrt(1-.7**2)*v

look<- stats.bin( x,y) 

data( ozone2)
# make up a variogram day 16 of Midwest daily ozone ...
look<- vgram( ozone2$lon.lat, c(ozone2$y[16,]), lon.lat=TRUE)

# break points
brk<- seq( 0, 250,,40)

out<-stats.bin( look$d, look$vgram, breaks=brk)
# plot bin means, and some quantiles  Q1, median, Q3
matplot( out$centers, t(out$stats[ c("mean", "median","Q1", "Q3"),]), 
type="l",lty=c(1,2,2,2), col=c(3,4,3,4), ylab="ozone PPB")

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