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univariate.tests: Extract p values for a data frame


Given a dataframe, this function predicts the specified categorical variable using each column in the dataset, one at a time. The function will automatically select whether to do a chi-square test, a t-test, or an ANOVA. See details.


univariate.tests(dataframe, exclude.cols = NULL, group)


a data frame containing both the variables and the grouping variable
a vector indicating which columns should not have a significance test
a string with the name of the grouping variable


a vector of p values


Extract the p value from a univariate significance test

univariate.tests will look at each column in the dataframe, then perform a t-test, ANOVA, or chi-square test where the grouping variable serves as the independent variable. The computer will chose a chi-square test of one of the following three conditions is met: (1) the variable is a factor, (2) the variable is a character variable, or (3) the variable has less than four unique values. An ANOVA will be used if the number of levels of the grouping variable is greater than two. In all other cases, a t-test will be used.


Run this code
k = data.frame(cbind(ID=1:100,
				A = rnorm(100),
				B = rnorm(100),
				C = rnorm(100),
				Group = rep(1:2, times=50)))
univariate.tests(dataframe = k, exclude.cols=1, group="Group")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab