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fishmethods (version 1.13-1)

fm_model_avg: Model Averaging for the Telemetry Method of Hightower et al. (2001)


Calculates model averaged estimates of instantaneous fishing, natural and probability of detection for telemetry models of Hightower et al. (2001).


fm_model_avg(..., global = NULL, chat = 1)


List containing model summary statistics, model-averaged estimates of fishing, natural and probability of detections and their weighted and uncondtional standard errors .



model object names separated by commas


specify global model name in quotes. If the global model is the first model included in the list of candidate models, this argument can be ignored.


chat for the global model.


Gary A. Nelson, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries gary.nelson@mass.gov


Model estimates are generated from function fm_telemetry. Averaging of model estimates follows the procedures in Burnham and Anderson (2002). Variances of parameters are adjusted for overdispersion using the c-hat estimate from the global model : sqrt(var*c-hat). If c-hat of the global model is <1, then c-hat is set to 1. The c-hat is used to calculate the quasi-likelihood AIC and AICc metrics for each model (see page 69 in Burnham and Anderson(2002)). QAICc differences among models are calculated by subtracting the QAICc of each model from the model with the smallest QAICc value. These differences are used to calculate the Akaike weights for each model following the formula on page 75 of Burnham and Anderson (2002). The Akaike weights are used to calculate the weighted average and standard error of parameter estimates by summing the product of the model-specific Akaike weight and parameter estimate across all models. An unconditional standard error is also calculated by sqrt(sum(QAICc wgt of model i * (var of est of model i + (est of model i - avg of all est)^2))).


Burnham, K. P. and D. R. Anderson. 2002. Model selection and multimodel inference : A Practical Information-Theorectic Approach, 2nd edition. Spriner-Verlag, New York, NY. 488 p.

See Also



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