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fishmethods (version 1.13-1)

growthlrt.plus: Likelihood Methods for Comparing Multiple Growth Curves


Additional likelihood methods for comparison of two or more curves under heteroscedastic, normally-distributed errors and differing within-group variances based on Kimura (1990).


growthlrt.plus(model, data, params = NULL, start = NULL, within_grp_var = ~1,
      cfh = NULL, nlminb.control = list(iter.max = 10000, rel.tol = 1e-10),
      optim.control=list(maxit = 10000, reltol = 1e-10))



the fitting method and model.


list element containing the parameter estimates, standard errors, tests of differences from zero, estimates of the maximum likelihood sigma(s), log-likelihood, AIC, BIC, sample sizes, residual degrees of freedom and the residual standard error


list element containing the variance covariance matrix.


list element containing the parameter correlation matrix.


list element containing the raw and standardized residuals from the model fit.


list element containing the fitted values from the model fit.


list element containing convergence information from the optim fit.


list element containing model degrees of freedom used in model comparison.


list element containing object type.



a two-sided formula object describing the model, with the response on the left of a ~ operator and a nonlinear expression involving parameters on the right.


A data frame containing the variables named in model. Rows should represent individual observations.


a two-sided linear formula of the form p1=~1 or p1=~group for each parameter estimated in model. The p1 represents a parameter included on the right hand side of model. A 1 on the right hand side of the formula indicates a single parameter is estimated, whereas a variable name of a group variable will estimate as many parameters as there are levels in the group variable.


a required named list with the initial values for the parameters in model. If multiple estimates for a given parameter are desired, starting values should be enclosed in c().


a one-sided formula of the form within_grp_var= ~1 or within_grp_var= ~group. A 1 on the right hand side of the formula indicates a single within-group variance is estimated for all groups, whereas a variable name (same one used in params) will estimate different sigmas for each level under group.


NULL or a named list with arguments needed to correct for heterogeneity of variances. If the latter, the required arguments are form, value,and fixed. See details for more information.


Additional controls passed to the optimization function nlminb.


Additional controls passed to the optimization function optim.


Gary A. Nelson, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries gary.nelson@mass.gov


The likelihood methods of Kimura (1990) are used to fit any nonlinear equation, correct for heterogeneity of variances, and estimate common or separate within-group variances depending on user-specifications. A main assumption is errors are normally-distributed. The results of the model fits can then be used in function compare.lrt.plus to determine if parameterizations differ significantly from each other by using a likelihood ratio and an F test.

Steps of the modeling process are as follows:

1) Specify the nonlinear model equation in the same formula format as would be done in function nls. For example, the von Bertalanffy growth equation is written as:


where sl is the variable name for length data, age is the variable name for age data, and Linf, K and t0 are parameters to be estimated.

2) Specify the parameter formulae under params. These formulae are used to indicate that additional parameters based on some group variable should be estimated. For example,


specifies single parameters are estimated for Linf, K and t0.


specifies that separate Linfs are to be estimated for each sex and only single estimates for K and t0.


specifies that separate Linfs, Ks and t0s are to be estimated for each sex. Different group variables for each parameter are not allowed.

3) Specify start values for all parameters. For example, if separate Linfs, Ks and t0s for a group variable like sex (only two-levels: M and F), then 6 starting values must be given. When parameters are based on a group variable, then the first estimate of a parameter will be the reference value (labeled as Intercept) and the remaining parameters will be estimated as a deviation from that reference value. Reference values are determined by alphanumeric order of levels within the group variable.


is an example of the starting values for the 6 parameter model mentioned above. Warning messages are generated if the number of start values is less than or greater than the number of parameters being estimated. Internally, code will add (1/10th of first value) or truncate (last number(s) in list) start values in these cases. However, the user should specify the appropriate number of values to ensure successful optimization.

4) Specify the within-group variance structure. If the within-group variance is assumed the same among groups, then


which is the default specification. If within-group variances are suspected to differ among groups (e.g., sex), then


Separate variances will be estimated for each level of the group variable. Whether or not better model fits can be obtained by estimating separate group variances can be tested using the model comparison methods (see below). When estimating thetas (correcting for heterogeneity), explore different starting values for the main parameters to ensure global convergence.

5) Specify the correction for heterogenity (cfh) argument(s) if needed. Initial curve fittings should be performed and plots of residuals versus fitted values examined to determine if there is a change in residual variation with increasing fitted values. If so, this indicates the presense of heterogeneity in variance which must be corrected to obtain unbiased parameters estimates, standard errors, residual sum-of-squares, etc. Kimura (1990) uses the power function (same as the varPower function in Pinheiro and Bates (2004)) and additional parameters known as theta are estimated. If cfh is NULL, then homogeneity of variance is assumed. If heterogeneity of variance needs to be accounted for, specify cfh as


form is a formula and is 1 if a single theta is assumed equal among groups. If individual thetas are desired for groups (heterogenity is different for each group), then a group variable is used (e.g.,form=~sex).

value is the initial starting value(s) for theta(s). If more than 1 theta will be estimated, provide the same number of starting values within c() as thetas.

fixed is used to indicate whether the thetas will be estimated (default NULL) or assumed fixed to numeric values specified by the user.


indicates that thetas for each sex (two-levels: M and F) will not be estimated, but fixed to values of 0.5 and 0.9

6) Run the model function. Parameter estimation is performed intially by using the optimization function nlminb. The estimated parameters are then used as starting values and optimization is performed again by using function optim to obtain the final parameter estimates and the Hessian matrix from which standard errors are derived. Unlike estimation of thetas conducted in function gnls in package nlme, thetas herein are estimated as parameters, standard errors are generated, and t-tests for significance are conducted. These extra parameters are counted in the determination of residual and model degrees of freedom.

To convert a non-reference level estimate to the same scale as the reference level, the reference value and parameter estimate are added together. For example, if estimates of Linf for two groups are 300 and 5, then adding them gives the Linf of 305 for the non-reference group.

Model Comparisons

As in the growthlrt function based on Kimura (1980), growth curves are tested for differences by using likelihood ratio tests. These tests assume homogeneity of variances among groups which is why heterogeneity must be corrected before proceeding. Unlike the growthlrt function, growthlrt.plus does not automatically make the comparisons. The user must develop the model structures, save each oject, and test for differences using the function compare.lrt.plus. Examples are provided below.


Kimura, D. K. 1990. Testing nonlinear regression parameters under heteroscedastic, normally-distributed errors. Biometrics 46: 697-708.

Pinheiro, J. C. and D. M. Bates. 2004. Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS. Springer New York, New York. 528 p.

See Also

growthlrt compare.lrt.plus


Run this code
if (FALSE) {

#### This example produces the same results as the example in 
#### the \emph{growthlrt} helpfile


##H0 Model - Different Linfs, Ks and tos for each sex

##H1 Model - Same Linfs

##H2 Model - Same Ks

##H3 Model - Same t0s

##H4 Model - Same Linf, K and t0


####This example is Case 2 from Kimura (1990;page 703) and uses the SFR paramterization of the 
#### von Bertalanffy growth equation.






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