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fitdistrplus (version 1.0-8)

logLikplot: (Log)likelihood plot for a fit using maximum likelihood


llplot plots the (log)likelihood around the estimation for distributions fitted by maximum likelihood.


llplot(mlefit, loglik = TRUE, expansion = 1, lseq = 50, back.col = TRUE, nlev = 10, pal.col = terrain.colors(100), fit.show = FALSE, fit.pch = 4, ...)


An object of class "fitdist" of "fitdistcens" obtained by maximum likelihood (with method = "mle")
a logical to plot log-likelihood or likelihood function.
a expansion factor to enlarge the default range of values explored for each parameter.
length of sequences of parameters.
logical (for llsurface only). Contours are plotted with a background gradient of colors if TRUE.
number of contour levels to plot.
Palette of colors. Colors to be used as back (for llsurface only).
a logical to plot the mle estimate.
the type of point used to plot the mle estimate.
Further graphical arguments passed to graphical functions.


llplot plots the (log)likelihood surface(s) (or curve if there there is only one estimated parameter) around the maximum likelihood estimation. It internally calls function llsurface and llcurve. When there is more than two estimated parameters, the (log)likehood surface is plotted for each combination of two parameters, fixing the other ones to their estimated value. For each (log)likelihood surface, when back.col image (2D-plot) is used and when nlev > 0 contour (2D-plot) is used to add nlev contours. By default the range of values explored for each estimated parameter is of 2 standard error around the mle estimate but this range can be expanded (or contracted) using the argument expansion.


Delignette-Muller ML and Dutang C (2015), fitdistrplus: An R Package for Fitting Distributions. Journal of Statistical Software, 64(4), 1-34.

See Also

See llsurface and llcurve for manual (log)likelihood plots (surface ou curve) and plot, contour, image for classic plotting functions.


Run this code
# (1) a distribution with one parameter

x <- rexp(50)
fite <- fitdist(x, "exp")
llplot(fite, col = "red", fit.show = TRUE)
llplot(fite, col = "red", fit.show = TRUE, loglik = FALSE)

# (2) a distribution with two parameters

serving <- groundbeef$serving
fitg <- fitdist(serving, "gamma")
llplot(fitg, expansion = 2)
llplot(fitg, pal.col = heat.colors(100), fit.show = TRUE)
llplot(fitg, back.col = FALSE, nlev = 25, fit.show = TRUE)

# (3) a distribution with two parameters with one fixed
fitg2 <- fitdist(serving, "gamma", fix.arg = list(rate = 0.5))
llplot(fitg2, fit.show = TRUE)

# (4) a distribution with three parameters

## Not run: 
#   data(endosulfan)
#   ATV <-endosulfan$ATV
#   library("actuar")
#   fBurr <- fitdist(ATV, "burr", start = list(shape1 = 0.3, shape2 = 1, rate = 1))
#   llplot(fBurr)
#   llplot(fBurr, back.col = FALSE, fit.show = TRUE, fit.pch = 16)
#   llplot(fBurr, nlev = 0, pal.col = rainbow(100), lseq = 100)
# ## End(Not run)

# (5) a distribution with two parameters fitted on censored data
fsal <- fitdistcens(salinity, "lnorm")
llplot(fsal, fit.show = TRUE)
llplot(fsal, fit.show = TRUE, loglik = FALSE)

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