# (1) a distribution with one parameter
x <- rexp(50)
fite <- fitdist(x, "exp")
llplot(fite, col = "red", fit.show = TRUE)
llplot(fite, col = "red", fit.show = TRUE, loglik = FALSE)
# (2) a distribution with two parameters
serving <- groundbeef$serving
fitg <- fitdist(serving, "gamma")
llplot(fitg, expansion = 2)
llplot(fitg, pal.col = heat.colors(100), fit.show = TRUE)
llplot(fitg, back.col = FALSE, nlev = 25, fit.show = TRUE)
# (3) a distribution with two parameters with one fixed
fitg2 <- fitdist(serving, "gamma", fix.arg = list(rate = 0.5))
llplot(fitg2, fit.show = TRUE)
# (4) a distribution with three parameters
## Not run:
# data(endosulfan)
# ATV <-endosulfan$ATV
# library("actuar")
# fBurr <- fitdist(ATV, "burr", start = list(shape1 = 0.3, shape2 = 1, rate = 1))
# llplot(fBurr)
# llplot(fBurr, back.col = FALSE, fit.show = TRUE, fit.pch = 16)
# llplot(fBurr, nlev = 0, pal.col = rainbow(100), lseq = 100)
# ## End(Not run)
# (5) a distribution with two parameters fitted on censored data
fsal <- fitdistcens(salinity, "lnorm")
llplot(fsal, fit.show = TRUE)
llplot(fsal, fit.show = TRUE, loglik = FALSE)
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