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fitzRoy (version 1.6.0)

fetch_fixture: Return the fixture for a particular round of matches


fetch_fixture returns the Fixture for a given AFL Round. Internally, it calls a corresponding fetch_fixture_* function that depends on the source given. By default the source used will be the official AFL website.

fetch_fixture_afl(), fetch_fixture_footywire(), fetch_fixture_squiggle() can be called directly and return data from AFL website, AFL Tables and Squiggle, respectively.


  season = NULL,
  round_number = NULL,
  comp = "AFLM",
  source = "AFL",

fetch_fixture_afl(season = NULL, round_number = NULL, comp = "AFLM")

fetch_fixture_footywire( season = NULL, round_number = NULL, convert_date = FALSE )

fetch_fixture_squiggle(season = NULL, round_number = NULL)


A Tibble with the fixture from the relevant season and round.



Season in YYYY format, defaults to NULL which returns the year corresponding the Sys.Date()


Round number, defaults to NULL which returns latest round


One of "AFLM" (default), "AFLW", "VFL", "VFLW", "WAFL", "U18B" or "U18G." Not all data sources will have non-AFL data


One of "AFL" (default), "footywire", "fryzigg", "afltables", "squiggle"


Optional parameters passed onto various functions depending on source.


logical, if TRUE, converts date column to date format instead of date time.

See Also

  • fetch_fixture_afl for official AFL data.

  • fetch_fixture_footywire for AFL Tables data.

  • fetch_fixture_squiggle for Squiggle data.

Other fetch fixture functions: fetch_player_stats()


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
# Return data for whole season from AFL Website

# This is equivalent to
fetch_fixture(2020, source = "AFL")

# Return AFLW data
fetch_fixture(2020, comp = "AFLW", source = "AFL")
fetch_fixture_afl(2020, comp = "AFLW")

# Not all sources have AFLW data and will return a warning
fetch_fixture(2020, comp = "AFLW", source = "footywire")
fetch_fixture(2020, comp = "AFLW", source = "squiggle")

# Different sources
fetch_fixture(2015, round = 5, source = "footywire")
fetch_fixture(2015, round = 5, source = "squiggle")

# Directly call functions for each source
fetch_fixture_afl(2018, round = 9)
fetch_fixture_footywire(2018, round = 9)
fetch_fixture_squiggle(2018, round = 9)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab