The raw data behind the story "The Economic Guide To Picking A College Major"
A data frame with 173 rows representing majors (recent graduates) and 21 variables:
Rank by median earnings
Major code, FO1DP in ACS PUMS
Major description
Category of major from Carnevale et al
Total number of people with major
Sample size (unweighted) of full-time, year-round ONLY (used for earnings)
Men with major
Women with major
Proportion women
Number employed (ESR == 1 or 2)
Employed 35 hours or more
Employed less than 35 hours
Employed at least 50 weeks (WKW == 1) and at least 35 hours (WKHP >= 35)
Number unemployed (ESR == 3)
Unemployed / (Unemployed + Employed)
25th percentile of earnings
Median earnings of full-time, year-round workers
75th percentile of earnings
Number with job requiring a college degree
Number with job not requiring a college degree
Number in low-wage service jobs