#See ?'flam-package' for a full example of how to use this package
#generate data
#note: use larger 'n' for more reasonable results
data <- sim.data(n = 20, scenario = 1, zerof = 10, noise = 1)
#fit model for a range of tuning parameters
flam.out <- flam(x = data$x, y = data$y)
#or fit model and select tuning parameters using 2-fold cross-validation
#note: use larger 'n.fold' (e.g., 10) in practice
flamCV.out <- flamCV(x = data$x, y = data$y, n.fold = 2)
#calculate degrees of freedom for the model chosen using cross-validation
flamDOF(object = flamCV.out$flam.out, index = flamCV.out$index.cv)
#or for any fit from a 'flam' object
flamDOF(object = flam.out, index = 25)
flamDOF(object = flamCV.out$flam.out, index = 25)
#which corresponds to lambda and alpha of
flam.out$all.lambda[25]; flam.out$all.alpha[25]
# }
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