Return either the cluster membership of training data or predict for new data.
# S4 method for kccasimple
predict(object, newdata, ...)
# S4 method for flexclust,ANY
clusters(object, newdata, ...)
Object of class inheriting from "flexclust"
An optional data matrix with the same number of columns as the cluster centers. If omitted, the fitted values are used.
Currently not used.
Friedrich Leisch
can be used on any object of class "flexclust"
and returns the cluster memberships of the training data.
can be used only on objects of class "kcca"
(which inherit from "flexclust"
). If no newdata
is specified, the function is identical to clusters
, if
is specified, then cluster memberships for the new data
are predicted. clusters(object, newdata, ...)
is an alias for
predict(object, newdata, ...)