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flexmix (version 2.3-20)

FLXMRrobglm: FlexMix Driver for Robust Estimation of Generalized Linear Models


This driver adds a noise component to the mixture model which can be used to model background noise in the data. See the Compstat paper Leisch (2008) cited below for details.


FLXMRrobglm(formula = . ~ ., family = c("gaussian", "poisson"),
            bgw = FALSE, ...)


Returns an object of class FLXMRrobglm inheriting from FLXMRglm.



A formula which is interpreted relative to the formula specified in the call to flexmix using update.formula. Default is to use the original flexmix model formula.


A character string naming a glm family function.


Logical, controls whether the parameters of the background component are fixed to multiples of location and scale of the complete data (the default), or estimated by EM with normal weights for the background (bgw = TRUE).


passed to FLXMRglm


Friedrich Leisch and Bettina Gruen


Friedrich Leisch. Modelling background noise in finite mixtures of generalized linear regression models. In Paula Brito, editor, Compstat 2008--Proceedings in Computational Statistics, 385--396. Physica Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 2008.
Preprint available at http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/6332/.


Run this code
## Example from Compstat paper, see paper for detailed explanation:
data("NPreg", package = "flexmix")
DATA <- NPreg[, 1:2]
DATA2 <- rbind(DATA, cbind(x = -runif(3), yn = 50 + runif(3)))

## Estimation without (f2) and with (f3) background component
f2 <- flexmix(yn ~ x + I(x^2), data = DATA2, k = 2)
f3 <- flexmix(yn ~ x + I(x^2), data = DATA2, k = 3,
              model = FLXMRrobglm(), 
              control = list(minprior = 0))

## Predict on new data for plots
x <- seq(-5,15, by = .1)
y2 <- predict(f2, newdata = data.frame(x = x))
y3 <- predict(f3, newdata = data.frame(x = x))

## f2 was estimated without background component:
plot(yn ~ x, data = DATA2, pch = clusters(f2), col = clusters(f2))
lines(x, y2$Comp.1, col = 1)
lines(x, y2$Comp.2, col = 2)

## f3 is with background component:
plot(yn ~ x, data = DATA2, pch = 4 - clusters(f3),
     col = 4 - clusters(f3))
lines(x, y3$Comp.2, col = 2)
lines(x, y3$Comp.3, col = 1)

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