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flextable (version 0.9.5)

set_flextable_defaults: Modify flextable defaults formatting properties


The current formatting properties (see get_flextable_defaults()) are automatically applied to every flextable you produce. Use set_flextable_defaults() to override them. Use init_flextable_defaults() to re-init all values with the package defaults.


  font.family = NULL,
  font.size = NULL,
  font.color = NULL,
  text.align = NULL,
  padding = NULL,
  padding.bottom = NULL,
  padding.top = NULL,
  padding.left = NULL,
  padding.right = NULL,
  border.color = NULL,
  border.width = NULL,
  background.color = NULL,
  line_spacing = NULL,
  table.layout = NULL,
  cs.family = NULL,
  eastasia.family = NULL,
  hansi.family = NULL,
  decimal.mark = NULL,
  big.mark = NULL,
  digits = NULL,
  pct_digits = NULL,
  na_str = NULL,
  nan_str = NULL,
  fmt_date = NULL,
  fmt_datetime = NULL,
  extra_css = NULL,
  scroll = NULL,
  table_align = "center",
  split = NULL,
  keep_with_next = NULL,
  tabcolsep = NULL,
  arraystretch = NULL,
  float = NULL,
  fonts_ignore = NULL,
  theme_fun = NULL,
  post_process_all = NULL,
  post_process_pdf = NULL,
  post_process_docx = NULL,
  post_process_html = NULL,
  post_process_pptx = NULL,



a list containing previous default values.



single character value. When format is Word, it specifies the font to be used to format characters in the Unicode range (U+0000-U+007F). If you want to use non ascii characters in Word, you should also set hansi.family to the same family name.


font size (in point) - 0 or positive integer value.


font color - a single character value specifying a valid color (e.g. "#000000" or "black").


text alignment - a single character value, expected value is one of 'left', 'right', 'center', 'justify'.


padding (shortcut for top, bottom, left and right padding)

padding.bottom, padding.top, padding.left, padding.right

paragraph paddings - 0 or positive integer value.


border color - single character value (e.g. "#000000" or "black").


border width in points.


cell background color - a single character value specifying a valid color (e.g. "#000000" or "black").


space between lines of text, 1 is single line spacing, 2 is double line spacing.


'autofit' or 'fixed' algorithm. Default to 'autofit'.


optional and only for Word. Font to be used to format characters in a complex script Unicode range. For example, Arabic text might be displayed using the "Arial Unicode MS" font.


optional and only for Word. Font to be used to format characters in an East Asian Unicode range. For example, Japanese text might be displayed using the "MS Mincho" font.


optional and only for Word. Font to be used to format characters in a Unicode range which does not fall into one of the other categories.

decimal.mark, big.mark, na_str, nan_str

formatC arguments used by colformat_num(), colformat_double(), and colformat_int().


formatC argument used by colformat_double().


number of digits for percentages.

fmt_date, fmt_datetime

formats for date and datetime columns as documented in strptime(). Default to '%Y-%m-%d' and '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'.


css instructions to be integrated with the table.


NULL or a list if you want to add a scroll-box. See scroll element of argument opts_html in function set_table_properties().


default flextable alignment, supported values are 'left', 'center' and 'right'.


Word option 'Allow row to break across pages' can be activated when TRUE.


default initialization value used by the paginate() function corresponding to the Word option "keep rows together" that will be defined in the array.


space between the text and the left/right border of its containing cell.


height of each row relative to its default height, the default value is 1.5.


type of floating placement in the PDF document, one of:

  • 'none' (the default value), table is placed after the preceding paragraph.

  • 'float', table can float to a place in the text where it fits best

  • 'wrap-r', wrap text around the table positioned to the right side of the text

  • 'wrap-l', wrap text around the table positioned to the left side of the text

  • 'wrap-i', wrap text around the table positioned inside edge-near the binding

  • 'wrap-o', wrap text around the table positioned outside edge-far from the binding


if TRUE, pdf-engine pdflatex can be used instead of xelatex or lualatex. If pdflatex is used, fonts will be ignored because they are not supported by pdflatex, whereas with the xelatex and lualatex engines they are.


a single character value (the name of the theme function to be applied) or a theme function (input is a flextable, output is a flextable).


Post-processing function that will allow you to customize the the table. It will be executed before call to post_process_pdf(), post_process_docx(), post_process_html(), post_process_pptx().

post_process_pdf, post_process_docx, post_process_html, post_process_pptx

Post-processing functions that will allow you to customize the display by output type (pdf, html, docx, pptx). They are executed just before printing the table.


unused or deprecated arguments

See Also

Other functions related to themes: get_flextable_defaults(), theme_alafoli(), theme_apa(), theme_booktabs(), theme_box(), theme_tron(), theme_tron_legacy(), theme_vader(), theme_vanilla(), theme_zebra()


Run this code
ft_1 <- qflextable(head(airquality))

old <- set_flextable_defaults(
  font.color = "#AA8855",
  border.color = "#8855AA"
ft_2 <- qflextable(head(airquality))

do.call(set_flextable_defaults, old)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab