dzet <- function(...) as.complex(acb_dirichlet_zeta (...))
dhur <- function(...) as.complex(acb_dirichlet_hurwitz (...))
dler <- function(...) as.complex(acb_dirichlet_lerch_phi(...))
## Somewhat famous particular values :
debugging <- tolower(Sys.getenv("R_FLINT_CHECK_EXTRA")) == "true"
s <- as.complex(c( -1, 0, 2, 4))
zeta.s <- as.complex(c(-1/12, -1/2, pi^2/6, pi^4/90))
stopifnot(all.equal(dzet( s ), zeta.s),
all.equal(dhur( s, 1), zeta.s),
!debugging ||
print(cbind(dler(1, s, 1), zeta.s, deparse.level = 0L))
all.equal(dler(1, s, 1), zeta.s) # FLINT bug, report this
r <- 10L
tol <- 0x1p-4
z.l1 <- complex(modulus = runif(r, 0, 1-tol),
argument = runif(r, 0, 2*pi))
z.g1 <- complex(modulus = runif(r, 1+tol, 1/tol),
argument = runif(r, 0, 2*pi))
z <- c(z.l1, z.g1)
## A relation with the hypergeometric function from
## :
h2f1 <- function(...) as.complex(acb_hypgeom_2f1(...))
a <- complex(real = -2:2, imaginary = (-1)^(-2:2))
stopifnot(all.equal(dler(z.l1, 1, a), h2f1(a, 1, a + 1, z.l1)/a))
## TODO: test values for 'z' with Mod(z) > 1 ...
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