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flint (version 0.0.3)

arb_dirichlet_zeta: Zeta and Related Functions


Compute the Riemann zeta function, the Hurwitz zeta function, or Lerch's transcendent. Lerch's transcendent \(\Phi(z, s, a)\) is defined by $$\sum_{k = 0}^{\infty} \frac{z^{k}}{(k + a)^{s}}$$ for \(|z| < 1\) and by analytic continuation elsewhere in the \(z\)-plane. The Riemann and Hurwitz zeta functions are the special cases \(\zeta(s) = \Phi(1, s, 1)\) and \(\zeta(s, a) = \Phi(1, s, a)\), respectively. See the references for restrictions on \(s\) and \(a\).


arb_dirichlet_zeta(s, prec = flintPrec())
acb_dirichlet_zeta(s, prec = flintPrec())

arb_dirichlet_hurwitz(s, a = 1, prec = flintPrec()) acb_dirichlet_hurwitz(s, a = 1, prec = flintPrec())

## arb_dirichlet_lerch_phi(z = 1, s, a = 1, prec = flintPrec()) acb_dirichlet_lerch_phi(z = 1, s, a = 1, prec = flintPrec())


An arb or acb vector storing function values with error bounds. Its length is the maximum of the lengths of the arguments or zero (zero if any argument has length zero). The arguments are recycled as necessary.


z, s, a

numeric, complex, arb, or acb vectors.


a numeric or slong vector indicating the desired precision as a number of bits.


The FLINT documentation of the underlying C functions: https://flintlib.org/doc/acb_dirichlet.html

NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions: https://dlmf.nist.gov/25

See Also

Classes arb and acb.


Run this code
dzet <- function(...) as.complex(acb_dirichlet_zeta     (...))
dhur <- function(...) as.complex(acb_dirichlet_hurwitz  (...))
dler <- function(...) as.complex(acb_dirichlet_lerch_phi(...))

## Somewhat famous particular values :
debugging <- tolower(Sys.getenv("R_FLINT_CHECK_EXTRA")) == "true"
     s <- as.complex(c(   -1,    0,      2,       4))
zeta.s <- as.complex(c(-1/12, -1/2, pi^2/6, pi^4/90))
stopifnot(all.equal(dzet(   s   ), zeta.s),
          all.equal(dhur(   s, 1), zeta.s),
          !debugging ||
          print(cbind(dler(1, s, 1), zeta.s, deparse.level = 0L))
          all.equal(dler(1, s, 1), zeta.s) # FLINT bug, report this

r <- 10L
tol <- 0x1p-4
z.l1 <- complex(modulus  = runif(r,     0, 1-tol),
                argument = runif(r,     0,  2*pi))
z.g1 <- complex(modulus  = runif(r, 1+tol, 1/tol),
                argument = runif(r,     0,  2*pi))
z <- c(z.l1, z.g1)

## A relation with the hypergeometric function from
##   http://dlmf.nist.gov/25.14.E3_3 :
h2f1 <- function(...) as.complex(acb_hypgeom_2f1(...))
a <- complex(real = -2:2, imaginary = (-1)^(-2:2))
stopifnot(all.equal(dler(z.l1, 1, a), h2f1(a, 1, a + 1, z.l1)/a))

## TODO: test values for 'z' with Mod(z) > 1 ...

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