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flint (version 0.0.3)

c.flint: Concatenate Vectors


Primitive function c is internally generic but dispatches only on its first argument. A corollary is that c(x, ...) does not dispatch the S4 method with signature x="flint" if x is not a flint vector, even if a flint vector appears later in the call as an element of .... An S3 method c.flint is registered and exported to support concatenation with c.flint(x, ...) as an alternative to c(as(x, "flint"), ...).


# S3 method for flint
c(..., recursive = FALSE, use.names = TRUE)


If none of the arguments is a flint vector, then the internal default method for c is dispatched.

If at least one argument is a flint vector, then the return value is a flint vector, unless recursive = FALSE and at least one argument is a symbol, pairlist, list, or expression, in which case the return value is a list or expression. The length is the sum of the lengths of the arguments.

If the return value is a flint vector, then its class is the most specific subclass of flint whose range contains the ranges of the classes of the arguments.



objects inheriting from virtual class flint, atomic (except character) vectors, and NULL.


a logical indicating if pairlists, lists, and expressions should be handled recursively. If TRUE, then the function behaves as if such arguments were replaced by their terminal nodes.


a logical indicating if names should be preserved.

See Also

Virtual class flint.


Run this code
x <- .slong(x = 2:5)
c(x, 6L)
c(1L, x) # bad
c.flint(x, 6L)
c.flint(1L, x)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab