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flint (version 0.0.3)

flint-class: Class of FLINT-Type Vectors


Class flint is a virtual class representing vectors of any FLINT C type. The C type is determined by the class attribute and interfaced exactly using R's external pointer type.




an external pointer. The protected field is an integer vector of length 1 or 2 storing the object length whose size is 32 or 64 bits depending on the ABI; see flintABI. The pointer field contains the address of a block of allocated memory of size greater than or equal to the object length times the size of the FLINT C type. It is a null pointer if and only if the object length is zero.

Methods for initialize set a finalizer on .xData (see reg.finalizer) to ensure that allocated memory is freed before .xData is itself freed by the garbage collector.


a character vector of length 0, indicating that the object is unnamed, or of length equal to the object length. A corollary is that objects whose length exceeds the maximum length of a character vector cannot have names.



signature(x = "ANY", i = "flint", j = "missing", drop = "missing"):
signature(x = "flint", i = "ANY", j = "missing", drop = "missing"):
signature(x = "flint", i = "flint", j = "missing", drop = "missing"):
return a traditional vector or a flint vector containing the elements of x indexed by i (the “subscript”). The subscript can be missing, NULL, logical, integer, double, character, ulong, slong, fmpz, or fmpq. Methods for signatures with x = "flint" signal an error for NA and out of bounds subscripts, as the C types interfaced by flint vectors have no representation for missing values. Note that [ does not perform S4 dispatch if its first positional argument is not an S4 object. If it is known that i is a flint vector and not known whether x is a flint vector, then consider programming defensively by calling [ as `[`(i = i, x = x) rather than as x[i].


signature(x = "ANY", i = "ANY", j = "missing", value = "flint"):
signature(x = "ANY", i = "flint", j = "missing", value = "ANY"):
signature(x = "ANY", i = "flint", j = "missing", value = "flint"):
signature(x = "flint", i = "ANY", j = "missing", value = "ANY"):
signature(x = "flint", i = "ANY", j = "missing", value = "flint"):
signature(x = "flint", i = "flint", j = "missing", value = "ANY"):
signature(x = "flint", i = "flint", j = "missing", value = "flint"):
return the traditional vector or flint vector obtained by replacing the elements of x indexed by i (the “subscript”) with elements of value, which are recycled as necessary. The subscript can be missing, NULL, logical, integer, double, character, ulong, slong, fmpz, or fmpq. The class of the return value is determined following strict rules from the classes of x and value, which are promoted to the value class as necessary. If the value class is a subclass of flint, then an error is signaled for NA and out of bounds subscripts, as the C types interfaced by flint vectors have no representation for missing values. Note that [<- does not perform S4 dispatch if its first positional argument is not an S4 object. If it is known that i is a flint vector and not known whether x is a flint vector, then consider calling [<- as `[`(i = i, x = x) <- value rather than as x[i] <- value. If it known that value is a flint vector and not known whether x or i is a flint vector, then consider doing something like x <- `[<-`(value = value, x = x, i = i).


signature(x = "ANY", i = "ANY", j = "missing", value = "flint"):
signature(x = "ANY", i = "flint", j = "missing", value = "ANY"):
signature(x = "ANY", i = "flint", j = "missing", value = "flint"):
signature(x = "flint", i = "ANY", j = "missing", value = "ANY"):
signature(x = "flint", i = "ANY", j = "missing", value = "flint"):
signature(x = "flint", i = "flint", j = "missing", value = "ANY"):
signature(x = "flint", i = "flint", j = "missing", value = "flint"):
similar to [<-, with differences as documented in Extract.


signature(x = "ANY", y = "flint"):
signature(x = "flint", y = "ANY"):
signature(x = "flint", y = "flint"):
returns either TRUE, indicating that there is no meaningful difference between x and y, or a character vector describing differences. The implementation (including optional arguments) is adapted from all.equal.numeric, hence see its documentation. Notably, comparison of objects inheriting from different subclasses of virtual class flint and comparison with objects (typically atomic vectors) coercible to virtual class flint are supported with check.class = FALSE. See flintIdentical for much more strict comparison objects inheriting from flint.


signature(x = "flint"):
returns anyDuplicated(mtfrm(x), ...).

as.raw, as.logical, as.integer, as.numeric, as.complex

signature(x = "flint"):
returns the value of as.vector(x, mode = *). Methods for as.vector must be defined for subclasses of flint. Note that as.double dispatches internally the method for as.numeric, so there is no method for as.double; see also as.numeric, section ‘S4 Methods’.

as.matrix, as.array, as.Date, as.POSIXct, as.POSIXlt

signature(x = "flint"):
coerces the argument with as.vector and dispatches.


signature(x = "flint"):
this method is a copy of as.data.frame.vector. It enables the construction of data frames containing flint vectors using as.data.frame and functions that call it such as data.frame and cbind.data.frame.


signature(x = "flint"):
returns c.flint(x, ...), the concatenation of the arguments. Function c.flint is exported to work around the fact that c(x, ...) dispatches only on x.


signature(from = "ANY", to = "flint"):
coerces atomic (except character) vectors from to the most specific subclass of flint whose range contains the range of typeof(from).


signature(x = "flint"):
returns findInterval(x=x, vec=breaks, left.open=right, rightmost.closed=include.lowest), hence see below. The behaviour is consistent with the default method for cut with argument labels set to FALSE, provided that breaks is sorted and no element of x is out of bounds.


signature(x = "flint"):
returns duplicated(mtfrm(x), ...).


returns a ulong vector of length equal to the length of x, following the documented behaviour of the base function, hence see findInterval. A caveat is that an error is signaled if x contains NaN, because ulong has no representation for R's missing value NA_integer_.


signature(x = "flint"):
returns the value of x after x[value] <- na, where na is an NA of integer, double, or complex type, depending on the class of x.


signature(x = "flint"):
returns flintLength(x, exact = FALSE).


signature(x = "flint"):
returns a flint vector of length given by the second argument value. The first min(length(x), value) elements are copied from x and the remaining elements are initialized to zero.


signature(x = "ANY", table = "flint"):
signature(x = "flint", table = "ANY"):
signature(x = "flint", table = "flint"):
returns an integer vector matching x to table after coercing to a common class then “match transforming” with mtfrm. The behaviour is parallel to that of the default method, hence see match.


signature(x = "flint"):
returns format(x, base = 62L, digits = 0L), a character vector representing the elements of x exactly in base 62 (chosen over smaller bases to reduce the number of characters in the output); see also format-methods.


signature(x = "flint"):
returns the value of the names slot or NULL, NULL if the names slot has zero length.


signature(x = "flint", value = "NULL"):
returns x with names slot set to a character vector of length zero.


signature(x = "flint", value = "character"):
returns x with names slot set to value. Attributes of value are stripped. NA_character_ are appended to value if its length is less than the length of x. An error is signaled if its length is greater.


signature(x = "flint"):
prints format(x) without quotes and returns x invisibly. The output has a header listing the class and length of x and the address stored by its .xData slot. If the output might be differenced by Rdiff, then one can set optional argument Rdiff to TRUE to indicate that the address should be formatted as <pointer: 0x...> rather than as 0x..., as the longer format is recognized and ignored by Rdiff. The default value NULL is equivalent to getOption("flint.Rdiff", FALSE). For greater control over output, consider doing print(format(x, ...), ...) instead of print(x, ...).


signature(x = "flint"):
returns a flint vector containing sample quantiles computed according to additional arguments probs and type; see quantile. Currently, an error is is signaled for x of length zero and x containing NaN.


signature(x = "flint"):
repeats x (or elements of x) according to optional arguments times, length.out, and each. The behaviour is parallel to that of the internal default method, hence see rep. One difference is that rep(0-length, length.out=nonzero) signals an error, because the underlying C types have no representation for missing values.

rep.int, rep_len

signature(x = "flint"):
analogues of rep(x, times=) and rep(x, length.out=) not preserving names, faster than rep when x has names.


signature(... = "flint"):
generates flint vectors whose elements are equally spaced. This method is dispatched by calls to seq or seq.int in which the first positional argument is a flint vector. Accepted usage is any of

seq(length.out=, by=)
seq(from=, to=)
seq(from=, to=, by=)
seq(from=, to=, length.out=)
seq(from=, by=, length.out=)
seq(to=, by=, length.out=)

where length.out=n and along.with=x are equivalent for x of length n. Good users name all arguments.


signature(nvec = "flint"):
returns the concatenation of seq(from = from[i], by = by[i], length.out = nvec[i]) after recycling arguments nvec, from, and by to a common length.


signature(object = "flint"):
prints format(object) and returns NULL invisibly.


signature(object = "flint"):
returns a flint vector containing the minimum, first quartile, median, mean, third quartile, maximum, and (if nonzero) the number of NaN, unless object is complex (inherits from acf or acb) or x has error bounds (inherits from arb or acb) or optional argument triple is TRUE, in which case the value is just flintTriple() with names.


signature(x = "flint"):
returns x[!duplicated(x, ...)].

Methods are on purpose not defined for generic functions whose default methods correctly handle objects inheriting from virtual class flint, typically by calling other generic functions for which methods are defined. Examples are as.character, as.list, diff, rev, seq.int, sort, and split.

See Also

The nonvirtual subclasses: ulong, slong, fmpz, fmpq, mag, arf, acf, arb, and acb.


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showMethods(classes = "flint")

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