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flint (version 0.0.3)

flint-package: R Package flint


An R interface to FLINT, a C library for number theory.


flintIdentical(object, reference)
flintLength(object, exact = TRUE)
flintPrec(prec = NULL)
flintRnd(rnd = NULL)


flintABI returns the size in bits of C type

long int, either 32 or 64. The value is determined when package flint is configured. It is checked at configure time and at load time that linked C libraries were configured for the same ABI.

flintIdentical tests whether its arguments inherit from the same nonvirtual subclass of flint and have identical length, elements, and names. If the elements are recursive structures, then they are compared recursively.

flintLength returns a representation of the length of

object. If exact = TRUE, then the return value is an object of class ulong representing the length exactly. Otherwise, if the length is less than or equal to

.Machine[["integer.max"]], then the return value is a traditional integer vector representing the length exactly. Otherwise, the return value is a traditional double vector representing the length exactly if and only if

\(n \le 2^d-1\) or

\(2^{d+p} \le n < 2^{d+p+1}\) and \(n\)

is divisible by \(2^{p+1}\), where \(n\) is the length,

\(d\) is .Machine[["double.digits"]], and

\(p = 0,1,\ldots\). Lengths not exactly representable in double precision are rounded to the next representable number in the direction of zero. Return values not representing the length exactly have an attribute off preserving the rounding error (an integer in \(1,\ldots,2^p\)).

flintPrec returns the previous default precision.

flintRnd returns the previous default rounding mode.

flintSize returns an upper bound for the number of bytes used by object, as an object of class object_size (following function object.size in package utils). If no members of the recursive structure share memory, then the upper bound is exact. Recursion starts at the address stored by the R object, not at the address of the object itself. A corollary is that

flintSize(object) is zero for object of zero length. Another corollary is that the bytes counted by flintSize and the bytes counted by object.size are disjoint.

flintTriple returns a character vector of length 3 containing the class of object, the length of object, and the address stored by object.

flintVersion returns a named list of numeric versions with elements:


the R package version.


the FLINT header version.


the FLINT library version.


the GNU MPFR header version.


the GNU MPFR library version.


the GNU MP header version.


the GNU MP library version.

Header versions are determined at compile time. Library versions are determined at compile time (static linking) or at load time (dynamic linking).


object, reference

objects inheriting from virtual class flint. Otherwise, the behaviour is undefined.


a logical indicating if the length should be represented exactly as an object of class ulong.


a new default value for the precision of inexact floating-point operations, if non-NULL. The value should be a positive integer indicating a number of bits.


a new default value for the rounding mode of inexact floating-point operations, if non-NULL. The value should be a character string indicating a rounding mode for signed floating types. Valid characters are [Uu] (towards positive infinity), [Dd] (towards negative infinity), [Zz] (towards zero), [Aa] (away from zero), and [Nn] (to nearest, with precedence to even significands).


Mikael Jagan jaganmn@mcmaster.ca


To report a bug or request a feature, use bug.report(package = "flint").

To render the change log, use news(package = "flint").

To render the index, use help(package = "flint")

To render a list of help topics for S4 classes, use help.search(package = "flint", keyword = "classes")

To render a list of help topics for special mathematical functions, use help.search(package = "flint", keyword = "math")


FLINT Team (2025). FLINT: Fast Library for Number Theory. https://flintlib.org/


Run this code

oprec <- flintPrec()
nprec <- 100L
stopifnot(identical(flintPrec(nprec), oprec),
          identical(flintPrec(), nprec),
          identical(flintPrec(oprec), nprec),
          identical(flintPrec(), oprec))

ornd <- flintRnd()
nrnd <- "Z"
stopifnot(identical(flintRnd(nrnd), ornd),
          identical(flintRnd(), nrnd),
          identical(flintRnd(ornd), nrnd),
          identical(flintRnd(), ornd))


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