Calculates the stratified casual and phytosociological sampling parameters.
A data frame with seven columns: strata in the first (in numerals), plots in the second (in numerals), numbering of individuals in the third (in numerals), species in the fourth, height in the fifth (in meters), diameter in the sixth (in centimeters) and volume in the seventh (in cubic meters).
Plot area, in hectares.
Area of each stratum, in hectares.
Required error, in decimal value. Default is 0.1.
Significance level, in decimal value. Default is 0.05.
Amplitude of diameter class range. Default is 2.
Protected species.
Logical argument. If FALSE (default), the allocation of plots by stratum will follow Neyman's optimal allocation method. If TRUE, will follow the proportional allocation by area.
Logical argument. If TRUE, calculates the sample intensity once again, with the degrees of freedom from the previous result.
number of species in the IVI plot. Default is 15.
Logical argument. If TRUE, the species column have an unique specie, as a planted forest. If FALSE (default), have multiple species (more than one).
Logical argument. If TRUE (default), the language of the outputs is Portuguese. If FALSE, the language is English.
Logical argument. If TRUE (default), a docx file will be saved in the temporary files directory (run 'tempdir()') (if save=TRUE) with the generated tables and graphics.
A list of tables and graphs, and a docx file saved in the temporary files directory (run 'tempdir()') (if save=TRUE). The console displays the sampling intensity and whether there is significant difference between the strata from the F test of the single-factor ANOVA and a Tukey's test for significant differences between strata, with 95 per cent confidence.
Pellico Netto, S.; Brena, D. (1997). Inventario florestal. Curitiba: Universidade Federal do Parana, 316 p.
#loads the data
#Calculate the sampling parameters
IF_ace <- ace(est2,a=0.1,aj=c(12.6,10.2))
# }
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