This functions creates a directory structure in user's home directory.
Additionally it creates a shortcut to the flowr
helper script in ~/bin
bin = "~/bin",
flow_base_path = opts_flow$get("flow_base_path"),
flow_run_path = opts_flow$get("flow_run_path"),
flow_conf_path = opts_flow$get("flow_conf_path"),
flow_pipe_path = opts_flow$get("flow_pipe_paths")
path to bin folder
The base of flowr configuration and execution folders.
base path to be used for execution of this flow.
flowr would create a new time-stamped folder in this base path and
use it for logs, scripts etc.
The default is retrieved using opts_flow$get("flow_run_path")
Flowr configuration folder, used by fetch_conf.
Folder with all pipelines, used by fetch_pipes.
Will add more to this, to identify cluster and aid in other things.