if (FALSE) ## Generate some fMRI data sets: noise + stimulus
dx <- dy <- dz <- 32
dt <- 107
hrf <- fmri.stimulus(dt, c(18, 48, 78), 15, 2)
stim <- matrix(hrf, nrow= dx*dy*dz, ncol=dt, byrow=TRUE)
mask <- array(FALSE, c(dx, dy, dz))
mask[12:22,12:22,12:22] <- TRUE
ds1 <- list(ttt=writeBin(1.0*rnorm(dx*dy*dz*dt) + as.vector(5*stim),
raw(), 4), mask=mask, dim=c(dx, dy, dz, dt))
ds2 <- list(ttt=writeBin(1.7*rnorm(dx*dy*dz*dt) + as.vector(3*stim),
raw(), 4), mask=mask, dim=c(dx, dy, dz, dt))
ds3 <- list(ttt=writeBin(0.8*rnorm(dx*dy*dz*dt) + as.vector(1*stim),
raw(), 4), mask=mask, dim=c(dx, dy, dz, dt))
ds4 <- list(ttt=writeBin(1.2*rnorm(dx*dy*dz*dt) + as.vector(2*stim),
raw(), 4), mask=mask, dim=c(dx, dy, dz, dt))
class(ds1) <- class(ds2) <- class(ds3) <- class(ds4) <- "fmridata"
## Construct a design matrix for a multi-subject study
subj <- 4
runs <- 1
z <-fmri.designG(hrf, subj = subj, runs = runs)
## Assembly of the aggregated BOLD-Array
Bold <- array(0, dim = c(dx,dy,dz,subj*runs*dt))
Bold[1:dx,1:dy,1:dz,1:(dt*1)] <- extractData(ds1)
Bold[1:dx,1:dy,1:dz,(dt*1+1):(dt*2)] <- extractData(ds2)
Bold[1:dx,1:dy,1:dz,(dt*2+1):(dt*3)] <- extractData(ds3)
Bold[1:dx,1:dy,1:dz,(dt*3+1):(dt*4)] <- extractData(ds4)
## Step 1: Check the model
y <- Bold[16, 16, 16, ] # choose one voxel
M1.1 <- lme(fixed = y ~ 0 + hrf + session + drift1:session + drift2:session,
random = ~ 0 + hrf|subj,
correlation = corAR1(value = 0.3, form = ~ 1|subj/session, fixed=TRUE),
weights = varIdent(form =~ 1|subj),
method ="REML",
control = lmeControl(rel.tol=1e-6, returnObject = TRUE),
data = z)
# Residual plots
plot(M1.1, resid(.,type = "response") ~ scan|subj)
qqnorm(M1.1, ~resid(.,type = "normalized")|subj, abline = c(0,1))
# Testing the assumption of homoscedasticity
M1.2 <- update(M1.1, weights = NULL, data = z)
anova(M1.2, M1.1)
# Model fit: observed and fitted values
fitted.values <- fitted(M1.1)
plot(y[1:dt], type="l", main = "Subject 1", xlab = "scan",
ylab = "BOLD-signal", ylim = c(-5,5))
plot(y[(dt+1):(2*dt)], type="l", main = "Subject 2", xlab = "scan",
ylab = "BOLD-signal", ylim = c(-5,5))
plot(y[(2*dt+1):(3*dt)], type="l", main = "Subject 3", xlab = "scan",
ylab = "BOLD-signal", ylim = c(-5,5))
plot(y[(3*dt+1):(4*dt)], type="l", main = "Subject 4", xlab = "scan",
ylab = "BOLD-signal", ylim = c(-5,5))
## Step 2: Estimate a group map
## without parallelizing
spm.group1a <- fmri.lmePar(Bold, z, mask = mask, cluster = 1)
# same with 4 parallel threads
spm.group1b <- fmri.lmePar(Bold, z, mask = mask, cluster = 4)
## Example for two independent groups
group <- c(1,1,4,4)
z2 <- fmri.designG(hrf, subj = subj, runs = runs, group = group)
spm.group2 <- fmri.lmePar(Bold, z2, mask = mask, cluster = 4)
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