Transforms a niftiImage (created by readNifti from package RNiftyReg) into an object with class fmridata
niftiImage2fmri(niftiobj, level = 0.75, mask=NULL, setmask = TRUE, indx = NULL,
indy = NULL, indz = NULL, avoidnegs = FALSE)
an object of class fmridata
an object of class niftiImage
quantile used in mask definition
array or nifti-object containing the mask. If set this replaces the mask defined by argument level.
create a brain mask
index vector for subcube definition
index vector for subcube definition
index vector for subcube definition
change the mean to avoid negative image intensities
Joerg Polzehl
This function can be used in connection with readNifti from package RNiftyReg to read large fMRI series from nifti files. The resulting fmridata-object stores the image data as 2 byte integer in raw format, in contrast for the 4 byte real used with other functions.
, read.DICOM
, read.NIFTI