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Jlife: Completed lifetables in Japan.


The qx column of the completed lifetables in Japan, from "1891-1898" to "2010", mostly every 5 years.





A data frame with 117 observations (NAs are filled for the ages with no survivors) on 41 variables.
[, 1] Age integer
Ages of women [, 2] qx1895M
numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1891-1898. [, 3]
qx1895F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1891-1898.
[, 4] qx1901M numeric
qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1899-1903. [, 5] qx1901F
numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1899-1903. [, 6]
qx1911M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1909-1913.
[, 7] qx1911F numeric
qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1909-1913. [, 8] qx1923M
numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1921-1925. [, 9]
qx1923F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1921-1925.
[,10] qx1928M numeric
qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1926-1930. [,11] qx1928F
numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1926-1930. [,12]
qx1935M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1935-1936.
[,13] qx1935F numeric
qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1935-1936. [,14] qx1947M
numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1947. [,15]
qx1947F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1947.
[,16] qx1951M numeric
qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1950-1952. [,17] qx1951F
numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1950-1952. [,18]
qx1955M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1955.
[,19] qx1955F numeric
qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1955. [,20] qx1960M
numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1960. [,21]
qx1960F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1960.
[,22] qx1965M numeric
qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1965. [,23] qx1965F
numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1965. [,24]
qx1970M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1970.
[,25] qx1970F numeric
qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1970. [,26] qx1975M
numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1975. [,27]
qx1975F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1975.
[,28] qx1980M numeric
qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1980. [,29] qx1980F
numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1980. [,30]
qx1985M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1985.
[,31] qx1985F numeric
qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1985. [,32] qx1990M
numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1990. [,33]
qx1990F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1990.
[,34] qx1995M numeric
qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1995. [,35] qx1995F
numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1995. [,36]
qx2000M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 2000.
[,37] qx2000F numeric
qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 2000. [,38] qx2005M
numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 2005. [,39]
qx2005F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 2005.
[,40] qx2010M numeric
qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 2010. [,41] qx2010F
numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 2010. [, 1]


qx columns were cited from the completed life tables in Japan for the 1st to 21st one (7th one was not made, so that it is missing).
  • Age: Ages from 0 to 116.
  • qx1895M-qx2010M: qx of 1st to 21st completed lifetables for Japanese men.
  • qx1895F-qx2010F: qx of 1st to 21st completed lifetables for Japanese women.


Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan: Completed lifetables. / Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Statistics Bureau: Historical Statistics of Japan.