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foghorn (version 1.6.0)

n_cran_flavors: The number of CRAN flavors


The CRAN flavors, the systems on which CRAN tests all packages regularly, are listed https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_flavors.html. To get the correct results, foghorn needs to know how many flavors CRAN uses. This function reads the number of flavors that CRAN currently uses, and caches it (per session, in the tempdir() folder). Arguments control caching, fall back, and default values.


  use_cache = getOption("foghorn.use_cache", TRUE),
  force_default = getOption("foghorn.force_default", FALSE),
  n_flavors = getOption("foghorn.n_flavors", 12L)


The number of CRAN check flavors (as an integer).



Should the value for the number of flavors be read to/ written from the cache? (default: TRUE)


Should the default value be used? (default: FALSE). When TRUE, the number of flavors is read from the Internet.


What is the default number of flavors? (default: 12L)


The default values for the arguments are read from options. Given that n_cran_flavors function is relied on internally to provide accurate information to the user, using options allows you to control how the function behaves directly. In general, the default values should not be changed. They are provided in case you have issues connecting to the web page listing the number of flavors, or you do not want to use caching.

The options can be set:

  • by session, using, for instance,options("foghorn.use_cache" = FALSE).

  • permanently, by adding options("foghorn.use_cache" = FALSE) in your .Rprofile.

  • for a specific call, using the withr package: withr::with_options(foghorn.use_cache = FALSE, ...).