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formattable (version

formatter: Create a formatter function making HTML elements


Create a formatter function making HTML elements


formatter(.tag, ...)



HTML tag name. Uses span by default.


functions to create attributes of HTML element from data colums. The unnamed element will serve as the function to produce the inner text of the element. If no unnamed element is provided, identity function will be used to preserve the string representation of the colum values. Function and formula are accepted. See details for how different forms of formula will behave differently.


a function that transforms a column of data (usually an atomic vector) to formatted data represented in HTML and CSS.


This function creates a formatter object which is essentially a closure taking a value and optionally the dataset behind.

The formatter produces a character vector of HTML elements represented as strings. The tag name of the elements are specified by .tag, and its attributes are calculated with the given functions or formulas specified in ... given the input vector and/or dataset in behind.

Formula like x ~ expr will behave like function(x) expr. Formula like ~expr will be evaluated in different manner: expr will be evaluated in the data frame with the enclosing environment being the formula environment. If a column is formatted according to multiple other columns, ~expr should be used and the column names can directly appear in expr.


Run this code
top10red <- formatter("span",
  style = x ~ ifelse(rank(-x) <= 10, "color:red", NA))
yesno <- function(x) ifelse(x, "yes", "no")
formattable(mtcars, list(mpg = top10red, qsec = top10red, am = yesno))

# format one column by other two columns
# make cyl red for records with both mpg and disp rank <= 20
f1 <- formatter("span",
  style = ~ ifelse(rank(-mpg) <= 20 & rank(-disp) <= 20, "color:red", NA))
formattable(mtcars, list(cyl = f1))
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab