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freeknotsplines (version 1.0.1)

chgbasismat: Compute Change-of-Basis Matrix to Convert Truncated Power Basis to B-Spline Basis


This function computes a change-of-basis matrix that converts from the truncated power basis to the B-spline basis. It is used by coef.freekt and should not be called directly by the user.


chgbasismat(knot, ord)



The vector of knots. The first and last knots are repeated ord times to make the length equal to the dimension of the spline space.


The order of the spline, which is one more than the degree.


The change-of-basis matrix that converts from the truncated power basis to the B-spline basis.


Smith, P. (1982), "Hypothesis Testing B-Spline Regression," Communications in Statistics, Series B, 11, 143-157.

Spiriti, S., Eubank, R., Smith, P., Young, D., "Knot Selection for Least-Squares and Penalized Splines," Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, in press.