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freqdom (version 2.0.5)

freqdom.product: Compute a matrix product of two frequency-domain operators


For given frequency-domain operators F and G (freqdom) the function freqdom.kronecker computes their matrix product frequency-wise.


freqdom.product(F, G)


Function returns a frequency domain object (freqdom) of dimensions L×p×r, where L is the size of the evaluation grid. The elements correspond to FθGθ defined above.



frequency-domain filter of type freqdom, i.e. a set of linear operators FθRp×q defined on a discreet grid defined S[π,π].


frequency-domain filter of type freqdom, i.e. a set of linear operators GθRq×r defined on a discreet grid defined S[π,π].


  • freqdom.product(): Frequency-wise matrix product of two frequency-domain operators


Let F={Fθ:θS}, G={Gθ:θS}, where S is a finite grid of frequencies in [π,π], FθCp×q and GθCq×r.

We define Hθ=FθGθ as a matrix product of Fθ and Gθ, i.e. HθRp×r. Function freqdom.product returns H={Hθ:θS}.


Run this code
n = 100
X = rar(n)
Y = rar(n)
SX = spectral.density(X)
SY = spectral.density(Y)
R = freqdom.product(SY,SX)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab