FSL Timeseries Plot using `fsl_tsplot` (not `tsplot`)
outfile = tempfile(fileext = ".png"),
plot_title = NULL,
legend = NULL,
labels = NULL,
ymin = NULL,
ymax = NULL,
xlabel = NULL,
ylabel = NULL,
height = NULL,
width = NULL,
precision = NULL,
unit = NULL,
scientific_notation = FALSE,
start_position = NULL,
end_position = NULL,
Name of PNG file
comma-separated list of input file names (ASCII text matrix, one column per timecourse)
output filename for the PNG file
plot title
file name of ASCII text file, one row per legend entry
comma-separated list of labels
minimum y-value
maximum y-value
X-axis label
Y-axis label
plot height in pixels (default 150)
plot width in pixels (default 600)
precision of x-axis labels
scaling units for x-axis (default 1...length of infile)
switch on scientific notation
Position of first column to plot
Position of final column to plot
additional options to pass to fslcmd