Bias measure:
If method = "me"
, the forecast error measure is mean error.
If method = "mpe"
, the forecast error measure is mean percentage error.
Forecast accuracy error measure:
If method = "mae"
, the forecast error measure is mean absolute error.
If method = "mse"
, the forecast error measure is mean square error.
If method = "sse"
, the forecast error measure is sum square error.
If method = "rmse"
, the forecast error measure is root mean square error.
If method = "mdae"
, the forecast error measure is median absolute error.
If method = "mape"
, the forecast error measure is mean absolute percentage error.
If method = "mdape"
, the forecast error measure is median absolute percentage error.
If method = "rmspe"
, the forecast error measure is root mean square percentage error.
If method = "rmdspe"
, the forecast error measure is root median square percentage error.
Forecast accuracy symmetric error measure:
If method = "smape"
, the forecast error measure is symmetric mean absolute percentage error.
If method = "smdape"
, the forecast error measure is symmetric median absolute percentage error.
Forecast accuracy relative error measure:
If method = "mrae"
, the forecast error measure is mean relative absolute error.
If method = "mdrae"
, the forecast error measure is median relative absolute error.
If method = "gmrae"
, the forecast error measure is geometric mean relative absolute error.
If method = "relmae"
, the forecast error measure is relative mean absolute error.
If method = "relmse"
, the forecast error measure is relative mean square error.
Forecast accuracy scaled error measure:
If method = "mase"
, the forecast error measure is mean absolute scaled error.
If method = "mdase"
, the forecast error measure is median absolute scaled error.
If method = "rmsse"
, the forecast error measure is root mean square scaled error.