## Dataset used in Schmid & Leiman (1957) rounded to 2 decimal places
SLdata <-
matrix(c(1.0, .72, .31, .27, .10, .05, .13, .04, .29, .16, .06, .08,
.72, 1.0, .35, .30, .11, .06, .15, .04, .33, .18, .07, .08,
.31, .35, 1.0, .42, .08, .04, .10, .03, .22, .12, .05, .06,
.27, .30, .42, 1.0, .06, .03, .08, .02, .19, .11, .04, .05,
.10, .11, .08, .06, 1.0, .32, .13, .04, .11, .06, .02, .03,
.05, .06, .04, .03, .32, 1.0, .07, .02, .05, .03, .01, .01,
.13, .15, .10, .08, .13, .07, 1.0, .14, .14, .08, .03, .04,
.04, .04, .03, .02, .04, .02, .14, 1.0, .04, .02, .01, .01,
.29, .33, .22, .19, .11, .05, .14, .04, 1.0, .45, .15, .17,
.16, .18, .12, .11, .06, .03, .08, .02, .45, 1.0, .08, .09,
.06, .07, .05, .04, .02, .01, .03, .01, .15, .08, 1.0, .42,
.08, .08, .06, .05, .03, .01, .04, .01, .17, .09, .42, 1.0),
nrow = 12, ncol = 12, byrow = TRUE)
Out1 <- SchmidLeiman(R = SLdata,
numFactors = c(6, 3, 1))$B
## An orthogonalization of a two-order structure
bifactor <- matrix(c(.46, .57, .00, .00,
.48, .61, .00, .00,
.61, .58, .00, .00,
.46, .00, .55, .00,
.51, .00, .62, .00,
.46, .00, .55, .00,
.47, .00, .00, .48,
.50, .00, .00, .50,
.49, .00, .00, .49),
nrow = 9, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE)
## Model-implied correlation (covariance) matrix
R <- bifactor %*% t(bifactor)
## Unit diagonal elements
diag(R) <- 1
Out2 <- SchmidLeiman(R = R,
numFactors = c(3, 1),
rotate = "oblimin")$B
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