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ThurstoneBox20: Factor Pattern and Factor Correlations for Thurstone's 20 hypothetical box attributes.


Factor Pattern and Factor Correlations for Thurstone's 20 hypothetical box attributes.





This is a list containing the Loadings (original factor pattern) and Phi matrix (factor correlation matrix) from Thurstone's 20 Box problem (Thurstone, 1940, p. 227). The original 20-variable Box problem contains measurements on the following score functions of box length (x), width (y), and height (z). Box20 variables:

  1. x^2

  2. y^2

  3. z^2

  4. xy

  5. xz

  6. yz

  7. sqrt(x^2 + y^2)

  8. sqrt(x^2 + z^2)

  9. sqrt(y^2 + z^2)

  10. 2x + 2y

  11. 2x + 2z

  12. 2y + 2z

  13. log(x)

  14. log(y)

  15. log(z)

  16. xyz

  17. sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)

  18. exp(x)

  19. exp(y)

  20. exp(z)


Two data sets have been described in the literature as Thurstone's Box Data (or Thurstone's Box Problem). The first consists of 20 measurements on a set of 20 hypothetical boxes (i.e., Thurstone made up the data). Those data are available in Box20.


Thurstone, L. L. (1940). Current issues in factor analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 37(4), 189. Thurstone, L. L. (1947). Multiple factor analysis. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

See Also

AmzBoxes, Box20, Box26, GenerateBoxData


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