## Example
nDim <- 25 # number of dimensions
nMaj <- 5 # number of major components
pmaj <- 0.70 # percentage of variance accounted for
# by major components
thresh <- 1 # eigenvalue difference between last major component
# and first minor component
L <- eigGen(nDimensions = nDim, nMajorFactors = nMaj,
PrcntMajor = pmaj, threshold = thresh)
maxy <- max(L+1)
plotTitle <- paste(" n Dimensions = ", nDim,
", n Major Factors = ", nMaj,
"\n % Variance Major Factors = ", pmaj*100,
"%", sep = "")
plot(1:length(L), L,
type = "b",
main = plotTitle,
ylim = c(0, maxy),
xlab = "Dimensions",
ylab = "Eigenvalues",
cex.main = .9)
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