# This example demonstrates the computation of
# non-parametric bootstrap confidence intervals
# for rotated factor loadings.
HS9 <- HS9Var[HS9Var$school == "Grant-White",7:15]
# Compute an R matrix for the HSVar9 Mental Abilities Data
R.HS9 <- cor(HS9)
varnames <- c( "vis.per", "cubes",
"lozenges", "paragraph.comp",
"speed.add", "speed.count.dots",
# Extract and rotate a 3-factor solution
# via unweighted least squares factor extraction
# and oblimin rotation.
NFac <- 3
NVar <- 9
B <- 200 # Number of boostrap samples
NSubj <- nrow(HS9)
# Unrotated 3 factor uls solution
F3.uls <- fals(R = R.HS9, nfactors = NFac)
# Rotate via oblimin
F3.rot <- oblimin(F3.uls$loadings,
gam = 0,
normalize = FALSE)
F3.loadings <- F3.rot$loadings
F3.phi <- F3.rot$Phi
# Reflect factors so that salient loadings are positive
Dsgn <- diag(sign(colSums(F3.loadings^3)))
F3.loadings <- F3.loadings %*% Dsgn
F3.phi <- Dsgn %*% F3.phi %*% Dsgn
rownames(F3.loadings) <- varnames
colnames(F3.loadings) <- paste0("f", 1:3)
colnames(F3.phi) <- rownames(F3.phi) <- paste0("f", 1:3)
cat("\nOblimin rotated factor loadings for 9 Mental Abilities Variables")
print( round(F3.loadings, 2))
cat("\nFactor correlation matrix")
print( round( F3.phi, 2))
# Declare variables to hold bootstrap output
Flist <- Philist <- as.list(rep(0, B))
UniqueMatchVec <- rep(0, B)
rows <- 1:NSubj
# Analyze bootstrap samples and record results
for(i in 1:B){
cat("\nWorking on sample ", i)
# Create bootstrap sanples
bsRows <- sample(rows, NSubj, replace= TRUE)
Fuls <- fals(R = cor(HS9[bsRows, ]), nfactors = NFac)
# rotated loadings
Fboot <- oblimin(Fuls$loadings,
gam = 0,
normalize = FALSE)
out <- faAlign(F1 = F3.loadings,
F2 = Fboot$loadings,
MatchMethod = "LS")
Flist[[i]] <- out$F2 # aligned version of Fboot$loadings
UniqueMatchVec[i] <- out$UniqueMatch
cat("\nNumber of Unique Matches: ",
# Make a 3D array from list of matrices
arr <- array( unlist(Flist) , c(NVar, NFac, B) )
# Get quantiles of factor elements over third dimension (samples)
F95 <- apply( arr , 1:2 , quantile, .975 )
F05 <- apply( arr , 1:2 , quantile, .025 )
Fse <- apply( arr , 1:2, sd )
cat("\nUpper Bound 95% CI\n")
print( round(F95,3))
cat("\n\nLower Bound 95% CI\n")
print( round(F05,3))
# plot distribution of bootstrap estimates
# for example element
hist(arr[5,1,], xlim=c(.4,1),
main = "Bootstrap Distribution for F[5,1]",
xlab = "F[5,1]")
print(round (F3.loadings, 2))
cat("\nStandard Errors")
print( round( Fse, 2))
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