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Create a random Phi matrix with maximum factor correlation.
genPhi(NFac, EigenValPower = 6, MaxAbsPhi = 0.5)
A factor correlation matrix. Note that the returned matrix is not guaranteed to be positive definite. However, a PD check is performed in simFA so that simFA always produces a PD Phi matrix.
Number of factors.
(Scalar > 1) A scalar than controls the positive skewness of the distribution of eigenvalues of Phi.
(Scaler in [0,1]) The maximum off diagonal of Phi (the factor correlation matrix).
Niels Waller
NFac <- 5
for(i in 1:4){
R <- genPhi(NFac,
EigenValPower = 6,
MaxAbsPhi = 0.5)
L <- eigen(R)$values
plot(1:NFac, L,
ylab = "Eigenvalues of Phi",
xlab = "Dimensions",
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