## Example 1: generating binary data to match
## an existing binary data matrix
## Generate correlated scores using factor
## analysis model
## X <- Z *L' + U*D
## Z is a vector of factor scores
## L is a factor loading matrix
## U is a matrix of unique factor scores
## D is a scaling matrix for U
Nsubj <- 2000
L <- matrix( rep(.707,5), nrow = 5, ncol = 1)
Z <-as.matrix(rnorm(Nsubj))
U <-matrix(rnorm(Nsubj * 5),nrow = Nsubj, ncol = 5)
tmp <- sqrt(1 - L^2)
D<-matrix(0, 5, 5)
diag(D) <- tmp
X <- Z %*% t(L) + U%*%D
cat("\nCorrelation of continuous scores\n")
thresholds <- c(.2,.3,.4,.5,.6)
for(i in 1:5){
cat("\nCorrelation of Binary scores\n")
## Now use 'bigen' to generate binary data matrix with
## same correlations as in Binary
z <- bigen(data = Binary, n = 5000)
cat("\n\nnames in returned object\n")
cat("\nCorrelation of Simulated binary scores\n")
print(round( cor(z$data), 3))
cat("Observed thresholds of simulated data:\n")
cat( apply(z$data, 2, mean) )
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