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fungible (version 2.2.2)

summary.monte: Summary Method for an Object of Class Monte


summary method for class ``monte"


# S3 method for monte
  digits = 3,
  compute.validities = FALSE,
  Total.stats = TRUE,


Various descriptive statistics will be computed within groups including"

  1. clus.size Number of objects within each group.

  2. centroids Group centroids.

  3. var.matrix Within group variances.

  4. Ratio of within group variances (currently printed but not saved.

  5. cor.list Expected within group correlations.

  6. obs.cor Observed within group correlations.

  7. skew.list Expected within group indicator skewness values.

  8. obs.skew Observed within group indicator skewness values.

  9. kurt.list Expected within group indicator kurtosis values.

  10. obs.kurt Observed within group indicator kurtosis values.

  11. validities Observed indicator validities.

  12. Total.cor Total sample correlation matrix.

  13. Total.skew Total sample indicator skewness.

  14. Total.kurt Total sample indicator kurtosis.



An object of class monte, usually, a result of a call to monte.


Number of digits to print. Default = 3.


Logical: If TRUE then the program will calculate the indicator validities (eta^2) for the generated data.


Logical: If TRUE then the program will return the following statistics for the total sample: (1) indicator correlation matrix, (2) indicator skewness, (3) indicator kurtosis.


Optional arguments.


Run this code

## set up a 'monte' run for the Fisher iris data

sk.lst <- list(c(0.120,  0.041,  0.106,  1.254),                     #
                c(0.105, -0.363, -0.607, -0.031),
                c(0.118,  0.366,  0.549, -0.129) )
kt.lst <- list(c(-0.253, 0.955,  1.022,  1.719),
                c(-0.533,-0.366,  0.048, -0.410),
                c( 0.033, 0.706, -0.154, -0.602))
cormat <- lapply(split(iris[,1:4],iris[,5]), cor)

my.iris <- monte(seed = 123, nvar = 4, nclus = 3, cor.list = cormat, 
	              clus.size = c(50, 50, 50),
                eta2 = c(0.619, 0.401, 0.941, 0.929), 
                random.cor = FALSE,
                skew.list = sk.lst, kurt.list = kt.lst, 
                secor = .3, 
                compactness = c(1, 1, 1), 
                sortMeans = TRUE)

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