main = "Histogram of Box Lengths",
xlab = "Length",
col = "blue")
# To create the raw data for Thurstone's 20 hypothetical
# box attributes:
ThurstoneBox20 <- GenerateBoxData(XYZ = Box20,
BoxStudy = 20,
Reliability = 1,
ModApproxErrVar = 0)$BoxData
RThurstoneBox20 <- cor(ThurstoneBox20)
# Smooth matrix to calculate factor indeterminacy values
RsmThurstoneBox20 <- smoothBY(RThurstoneBox20)$RBY
fout <- faMain(R = RsmThurstoneBox20,
numFactors = 3,
rotate = "varimax",
facMethod = "faregLS",
rotateControl = list(numberStarts = 100,
maxItr =15000))
summary(fout, digits=3)
# Note that given the small ratio of subjects to variables,
# it is not possible to generate data for this example with model error
# (unless SampleSize is increased).
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab