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fungible (version 2.4.4)

Malmi79: Multi-Trait Multi-Method correlation matrix reported by Malmi, Underwood, and Carroll (1979).


The original study assessed six variables across three separate assessment methods. Note that only the last method included six variables whereas the other two methods included three variables.





A 12 by 12 correlation matrix with dimension names


The sample size is n = 97.

The following variables were assessed (abbreviations in parentheses): Variables:

  1. Words (Words)

  2. Triads (Triads)

  3. Sentences (Sentences)

  4. 12 stimuli with 2 responses each (12s.2r)

  5. 4 stimuli with 6 responses each (4s.6r)

  6. 2 stimuli with 12 responses each (2s.12r)

The above variables were assessed from the following three assessment methods (abbreviations in parentheses): Test Structure:

  • Free Recall (FR)

    • Words

    • Triads

    • Sentences

  • Serial List (SL)

    • Words

    • Triads

    • Sentences

  • Paired Association (PA)

    • Words

    • Triads

    • Sentences

    • 12 stimuli with 4 responses

    • 4 stimuli with 6 responses

    • 2 stimuli with 12 responses


Run this code
## Load Malmi et al.'s dataset

Example3Output <- faMB(R             = Malmi79, 
                       n             = 97,
                       NB            = 3, 
                       NVB           = c(3, 3, 6), 
                       numFactors    = 2,
                       rotate        = "oblimin",
                       rotateControl = list(standardize = "Kaiser"))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab