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fungible (version 2.4.4)

faLocalMin: Investigate local minima in faMain objects


Compute pairwise root mean squared deviations (RMSD) among rotated factor patterns in an faMain object. Prior to computing the RMSD values, each pair of solutions is aligned to the first member of the pair. Alignment is accomplished using the Hungarian algorithm as described in faAlign.


faLocalMin(fout, Set = 1, HPthreshold = 0.1, digits = 5, PrintLevel = 1)


faLocalMin function will produce the following output.

  • rmsdTable: (Matrix) A table of RMSD values for each pair of rotated factor patterns in solution set Set.

  • Set: (Integer) The index of the user-specified solution set.

  • complexity.val (Numeric): The common complexity value for all members in the user-specified solution set.

  • HPcount: (Integer) The hyperplane count for each factor pattern in the solution set.



(Object from class faMain).


(Integer) The index of the solution set (i.e., the collection of rotated factor patterns with a common complexity value) from an faMain object.


(Scalar) A number between [0, 1] that defines the hyperplane threshold. Factor pattern elements below HPthreshold in absolute value are counted in the hyperplane count.


(Integer) Specifies the number of significant digits in the printed output. Default digits = 5.


(Integer) Determines the level of printed output. PrintLevel =

  • 0: No output is printed.

  • 1: Print output for the six most discrepant pairs of rotated factor patterns.

  • 2: Print output for all pairs of rotated factor patterns.


Niels Waller


Compute pairwise RMSD values among rotated factor patterns from an faMain object.

See Also

Other Factor Analysis Routines: BiFAD(), Box26, GenerateBoxData(), Ledermann(), SLi(), SchmidLeiman(), faAlign(), faEKC(), faIB(), faMB(), faMain(), faScores(), faSort(), faStandardize(), faX(), fals(), fapa(), fareg(), fsIndeterminacy(), orderFactors(), print.faMB(), print.faMain(), promaxQ(), summary.faMB(), summary.faMain()


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
  ## Generate Population Model and Monte Carlo Samples ####
  sout <- simFA(Model = list(NFac = 5,
                          NItemPerFac = 5,
                           Model = "orthogonal"),
              Loadings = list(FacLoadDist = "fixed",
                              FacLoadRange = .8),
              MonteCarlo = list(NSamples = 100, 
                                SampleSize = 500),
              Seed = 655342)

  ## Population EFA loadings
  (True_A <- sout$loadings)

  ## Population Phi matrix

  ## Compute EFA on Sample 67 ####
  fout <- faMain (R = sout$Monte$MCData[[67]],
                numFactors = 5,
                targetMatrix = sout$loadings,
                facMethod = "fals",
                rotate= "cfT",
                rotateControl = list(numberStarts = 50,
                                     kappa = 1/25),

  ## Summarize output from faMain
  summary(fout, Set = 1, DiagnosticsLevel = 2, digits=4)

  ## Investigate Local Solutions
  LMout <- faLocalMin(fout, 
                    Set = 1,
                    HPthreshold = .15,
                    digits= 5, 
                    PrintLevel = 1)
  ## Print hyperplane count for each factor pattern 
  ## in the solution set

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab