## Example 1
## Generate an oblique factor model
lambda <- matrix(c(.41, .00, .00,
.45, .00, .00,
.53, .00, .00,
.00, .66, .00,
.00, .38, .00,
.00, .66, .00,
.00, .00, .68,
.00, .00, .56,
.00, .00, .55),
nrow = 9, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
## Generate factor correlation matrix
Phi <- matrix(.50, nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
diag(Phi) <- 1
## Model-implied correlation matrix
R <- lambda %*% Phi %*% t(lambda)
diag(R) <- 1
## Load the MASS package to create multivariate normal data
## Generate raw data to perfectly reproduce R
X <- mvrnorm(Sigma = R, mu = rep(0, nrow(R)), empirical = TRUE, n = 300)
if (FALSE) {
## Execute 50 promax rotations from a least squares factor extraction
## Compute 100 bootstrap samples to compute standard errors and
## 80 percent confidence intervals
Out1 <- faMain(X = X,
numFactors = 3,
facMethod = "fals",
rotate = "promaxQ",
bootstrapSE = TRUE,
numBoot = 100,
CILevel = .80,
faControl = list(treatHeywood = TRUE),
rotateControl = list(numberStarts = 2,
power = 4,
standardize = "Kaiser"),
digits = 2)
Out1[c("loadings", "Phi")]
## Example 2
## Load Thurstone's (in)famous box data
data(Thurstone, package = "GPArotation")
## Execute 5 oblimin rotations with Cureton-Mulaik standardization
Out2 <- faMain(urLoadings = box26,
rotate = "oblimin",
bootstrapSE = FALSE,
rotateControl = list(numberStarts = 5,
standardize = "CM",
gamma = 0,
epsilon = 1e-6),
digits = 2)
Out2[c("loadings", "Phi")]
## Example 3
## Factor matrix from Browne 1972
lambda <- matrix(c(.664, .322, -.075,
.688, .248, .192,
.492, .304, .224,
.837, -.291, .037,
.705, -.314, .155,
.820, -.377, -.104,
.661, .397, .077,
.457, .294, -.488,
.765, .428, .009),
nrow = 9, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
## Create partially-specified target matrix
Targ <- matrix(c(NA, 0, NA,
NA, 0, 0,
NA, 0, 0,
NA, NA, 0,
.7, NA, NA,
0, NA, NA,
.7, NA, NA),
nrow = 9, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
## Perform target rotation
Out3 <- faMain(urLoadings = lambda,
rotate = "targetT",
targetMatrix = Targ,
digits = 3)$loadings
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