F <- matrix( c( .5, 0,
.6, 0,
0, .6,
.6, 0,
0, .5,
.7, 0,
0, .7,
0, .6), nrow = 8, ncol = 2, byrow=TRUE)
Rex1 <- F %*% t(F); diag(Rex1) <- 1
Items <- c("1. I am often tense.\n",
"2. I feel anxious much of the time.\n",
"3. I am a naturally curious individual.\n",
"4. I have many fears.\n",
"5. I read many books each year.\n",
"6. My hands perspire easily.\n",
"7. I have many interests.\n",
"8. I enjoy learning new words.\n")
exampleOut <- fals(R = Rex1, nfactors = 2)
# Varimax rotation
Fload <- varimax(exampleOut$loadings)$loadings[]
# Add some row labels
rownames(Fload) <- paste0("V", 1:nrow(Fload))
cat("\nUnsorted fator loadings\n")
print(round( Fload, 2) )
# Sort items and reflect factors
out1 <- faSort(fmat = Fload,
salient = .25,
reflect = TRUE)
FloadSorted <- out1$loadings
cat("\nSorted fator loadings\n")
print(round( FloadSorted, 2) )
# Print sorted items
cat("\n Items sorted by Factor\n")
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab