# These examples reproduce published multiple battery analyses.
# ----EXAMPLE 1: Browne, M. W. (1979)----
# Data originally reported in:
# Thurstone, L. L. & Thurstone, T. G. (1941). Factorial studies
# of intelligence. Psychometric Monograph (2), Chicago: Univ.
# Chicago Press.
## Load Thurstone & Thurstone's data used by Browne (1979)
Example1Output <- faMB(R = Thurstone41,
n = 710,
NB = 2,
NVB = c(4,5),
numFactors = 2,
rotate = "oblimin",
rotateControl = list(standardize = "Kaiser"))
## Call the summary function
# ----EXAMPLE 2: Browne, M. W. (1980)----
# Data originally reported in:
# Jackson, D. N. & Singer, J. E. (1967). Judgments, items and
# personality. Journal of Experimental Research in Personality, 20, 70-79.
## Load Jackson and Singer's dataset
Example2Output <- faMB(R = Jackson67,
n = 480,
NB = 5,
NVB = rep(4,5),
numFactors = 4,
rotate = "varimax",
rotateControl = list(standardize = "Kaiser"),
PrintLevel = 1)
## Call the summary function
summary(object = Example2Output,
Set = 1,
PrintLevel = 1)
# ----EXAMPLE 3: Cudeck (1982)----
# Data originally reported by:
# Malmi, R. A., Underwood, B. J., & Carroll, J. B. (1979).
# The interrelationships among some associative learning tasks.
# Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 13(3), 121-123. DOI: 10.3758/BF03335032
## Load Malmi et al.'s dataset
Example3Output <- faMB(R = Malmi79,
n = 97,
NB = 3,
NVB = c(3, 3, 6),
numFactors = 2,
rotate = "oblimin",
rotateControl = list(standardize = "Kaiser"))
## Call the summary function
summary(object = Example3Output,
Set = 1,
PrintLevel = 2)
# ----Example 4: Cudeck (1982)----
# Data originally reported by:
# Boruch, R. F., Larkin, J. D., Wolins, L. and MacKinney, A. C. (1970).
# Alternative methods of analysis: Multitrait-multimethod data. Educational
# and Psychological Measurement, 30,833-853.
## Load Boruch et al.'s dataset
Example4Output <- faMB(R = Boruch70,
n = 111,
NB = 2,
NVB = c(7,7),
numFactors = 2,
rotate = "oblimin",
rotateControl = list(standardize = "Kaiser",
numberStarts = 100))
## Call the summary function
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