if (FALSE) {
#Example 1:
#Simulate some time series:
series_1 = rnorm(137, 3, 5)
series_2 = rnorm(213, 0, 1)
series_val = c(series_1, series_2)
AuePolyReg_test(series_1, 1) # no change (asymptotic)
AuePolyReg_test(series_val,1) # one change (asymptotic)
#Example 2:
#Consider a time series with annual number of world terrorism incidents from 1970 till 2016:
c.data = Ecdat::terrorism["incidents"]
incidents.ts <- ts(c.data, start = 1970, end = 2016)
#Run a test for change points:
AuePolyReg_test(incidents.ts, 2) # one change (asymptotic)
AuePolyReg_test(incidents.ts, 2, 0.05,"bootstrap", "parametric", 200)
# one change (bootstrap)
incidents.ts[44] #number of victims at the value of change point
year <- 197 + 44 - 1 # year when the change point occurred
plot(incidents.ts) # see the visualized data
#The structural change point occurred at the 44th value which corresponds to 2013,
#with 11,990 identified incidents in that year. These findings can be explained with
#a recent rise of nationalism and extremism due to appearance of the social media,
#Fisher (2019): White Terrorism Shows 'Stunning' Parallels to Islamic State's Rise.
#The New York Times.
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