# Fix seed for reproducible simulations:
##### Example 1
# Similar to Schaeffer et al. (2016), simulate 3 years of monthly data
#for 10 locations and apply clustering:
# 1.1 Simulation
T <- 36 #total months
N <- 10 #locations
phi <- c(0.5) #parameter of autoregression
burn <- 300 #burn-in period for simulations
X <- sapply(1:N, function(x)
arima.sim(n = T + burn,
list(order = c(length(phi), 0, 0), ar = phi)))[(burn + 1):(T + burn),]
colnames(X) <- paste("TS", c(1:dim(X)[2]), sep = "")
# 1.2 Clustering
# Assume that information arrives in year-long slides or data chunks
p <- 12 #number of time layers (months) in a slide
# Let the upper level of clustering (window) be the whole period of 3 years, so
w <- 3 #number of slides in a window
s <- w #step to shift a window, but it does not matter much here as we have only one window of data
tmp <- BICC(X, p = p, w = w, s = s)
# 1.3 Evaluate clustering
# In these simulations, it is known that all time series belong to one class,
#since they were all simulated the same way:
classes <- rep(1, 10)
# Use the information on the classes to calculate clustering purity:
purity(classes, tmp$clusters[1,])
##### Example 2
# 2.1 Modify time series and update classes accordingly:
# Add a mean shift to a half of the time series:
X2 <- X
X2[, 1:(N/2)] <- X2[, 1:(N/2)] + 3
classes2 <- rep(c(1, 2), each = N/2)
# 2.2 Re-apply clustering procedure and evaluate clustering purity:
tmp2 <- BICC(X2, p = p, w = w, s = s)
purity(classes2, tmp2$clusters[1,])
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